Who Was That Unmasked Man?

May 02, 2020 23:46

Eufy beeped and started cleaning even though there's no scheduled time. I shut it off and put it back in its corner. I might be able to use it in the TV room if I pick up the cords. This place is not Eufy-proof yet.

Mimi has discovered that the desk chair is very comfortable.

Watched The Marriage of Figaro. The subtitles weren't great, so there was a lot of singing in Italian that I didn't understand. Occasionally an Italian word that I knew popped out at me. I expected to like it more than I did, although Cecilia Bartoli was a great Susanna and Renee Fleming was great as the Countess. The duets between the two of them were beautiful.

I'm up now after sleeping late. Click click and I ordered dry cat food. Love online shopping.

Time to jump back and forth between heat and A/C. It's currently 80 degrees F.

Played a fun game of "Guess where I want to eat, Mommy?" with Zara. The answer is not necessarily where she is.

The Illinois Governor has daily COVID updates, and I usually watch them. It gives an idea how the numbers are heading. We're still home for all of May though.

Had a nice nap and ate. Threw myself together and went to Dollar Tree for soda and some odds and ends. They had a sign saying that they won't serve anyone without a mask, but a guy came in after I left without one and bought something. The line at the drive-in for Dairy Queen has spilled out onto the street. People in my mobile home complex do not seem to be practicing social distancing.

I read an article about how chicken looks done before the temperature rises enough to kill bacteria, so I bought a meat thermometer. I sprung for the more expensive waterproof one.

Talked to Mom. She's doing well and is starting on the garden. My aunt and uncle are not doing well. My uncle drank two brandies on an almost empty stomach, and then couldn't get off of the toilet. My aunt had to call the paramedics. They took him to the hospital. My aunt said that she's had enough, but she doesn't want to put him in long-term care. What a mess.

I was going to put together the treadmill, but I'm yawning and running out of steam. If I go to sleep quickly, I should get a decent night's sleep and still get up early to put it together in the morning.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

weather, cooking, cleaning, mimi, zara, errands, uncle art, mom, tv, auntie a, coronavirus, opera

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