Gardening Plans

Apr 12, 2020 22:29

Happy Easter! (I first wrote "Happy Eater!' Appropriate for these times.) I didn't get up to watch the Easter service. But the movie last night was worth it.

The cats are wondering why I'm moving slow this morning.

The airfares keep going up, but that's probably because the airlines keep canceling flights.

I'm mulling over garden plans. I saw some raised boxes for gardening, but they're $150, and you could buy a lot of vegetables for that price. (Apparently the flash sale is over, and now it costs over $1000. No.) I do want to grow herbs and tomatoes. I could get baby spinach plants and grow them in pots, but they'll all be ready at one time. Maybe two pots of herbs because I want to grow oregano for Tuscan Chicken. Maybe I'll go back to Walmart on Monday and look at plants. Maybe two pots of tomatoes to grow cherry tomatoes for Tuscan Chicken and regular tomatoes for quiche.

I'm looking at five pots: one with two basil plants, one with dill and Italian parsley, one with oregano, one with cherry tomatoes, and one with normal tomatoes.

Had a nice nap. Apparently the Post Office is open tomorrow, so I can ship my old phone back, so I recreated my stock watch list and Runkeeper intervals on my new phone.

Had a bite to eat. Got the garbage out for pickup. I'm doing little bits of cleaning until my back hurts (I first wrote "Bach hurts" :)), and then I take a break. Threw in a load of laundry. Cleaned up a pile of junk in the kitchen. Started a box of stuff to go to the thrift shop when it opens again.

Went to put the Big Honking Lasagna™ into the oven, only to find that you have to cook it for two hours. No. I'm making French bread pizza instead. I hope tomorrow that I'll remember that the lasagna cooks for that long.

Now I'm going to watch another Harry Potter movie.

Zara in a Chewy box:

x-posted from Dreamwidth

easter, organizing, cooking, phone, chores, travel, movie, cats, garden

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