I Now Have a Working Cell Phone

Apr 11, 2020 22:47

I woke up at 9 AM and decided to get up so that I'd have time for a nap before I go to AT&T. Now I'm done with the morning routine, and the girls are eating.

Someone posted some videos of rides at Disney World. I watched a couple of rides, including Pirates of the Caribbean, and now I'm singing, "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me."

Had a good nap. Threw myself together and went to AT&T. They've gone down in my estimation because I needed to transfer the SIM card from the old phone to the new phone and no one (human or written instructions) told me that. But now it's working. I called my mom to tell her that I have a working phone and that I'll talk to her later.

Had a bite to eat. Ran out to the grocery stores. I'm still shopping silly and loading up on anything that sounds good, especially sweets. I did manage to get the ingredients for a "Dole Whip" that they sell at Disney World: pineapple juice, (frozen) pineapple, and vanilla ice cream. Yum. Susan Dennis gave me a taste for Peanut Butter and Jelly, so I got the ingredients for that. I also wound up with 15 rolls of paper towels, which is way more than I need, but those were the packages that Aldi had. And toilet paper. I'm not out, but am thinking ahead. (Hmm. I just occurred to me that maybe I should donate some rolls of paper towels to the local food bank.)

I don't think that I'm going to order Chinese food from Chi today because 1) It's raining, 2) I'm tired, and 3) I have a ridiculous amount of food in the house.

I finally got the groceries put away. Now it's storming.

I lay down for a while with Zara and Mimi but couldn't fall asleep.

Talked to Mom. She sounded good. Her leg has stopped hurting.

My mom loaned me the Harry Potter movies a while ago. I don't feel like doing anything else constructive tonight, so I'm going to watch one. I am planning to get up early to view the live feed of the Easter service at the Unitarian Church in Bloomington, but I can go back to sleep after that.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

church, weather, mimi, phone, zara, errands, disney, aargh, mom, movie

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