A Surprise Disappointment

Mar 24, 2020 23:54

Finally I had a good night's sleep. I think that I'll keep taking the valerian for a while.

Congress is working on a bill to pay your salary if you are furloughed, so that's good news. And the stock market is back up.

Mimi makes the most piteous meows when I feed them. You'd think that she was starving and on her last legs, while we know that's not true.

Mimi knows that I don't like her sitting on my lap when I'm working on the computer, so she lies on a box that's in the hall outside of my office room and watches me. Kind of sweet.

The big library conference in Chicago at the end of June is canceled. I understand why they did that, but I'm still really disappointed. I was really looking forward to it. (I keep thinking that maybe I could go to Chicago anyway, but not right now. Who knows when I'll be able to go.)

I had enough energy to make the Tuscan Chicken, and oh, was it good. It's especially good with garlic bread to sop up the sauce. And I have leftovers! It's a one-pot meal, but it still makes a mess, but it's worth it.

I completed the Census.

I want to get to sleep early and keep catching up on my sleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

ala annual, food, sleep, investing, cooking, census, mimi

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