Nov 02, 2019 00:30
I had problems falling asleep. I was lying on my side with Zara in the crook of my legs, but my arm started hurting. I finally got up and made some toast. Then I fell asleep.
I had set my alarm for 2 PM, but got up around 1:30. The girls were hungry and hyper, so I changed my routine and fed them first. Now we're all fed.
The snow is melting slowly. Hallelujah. I need to pick up some salt for my stairs.
Apparently my rent bill was on automatic payment, but it didn't go through because I paid it manually. Timing.
Had an hour to lie down, so I did. Overslept an hour, and I'm not going to make it to the credit union. Way to go, Adrienne.
Started working on a grocery list, although I'm going to wait until tomorrow to go. I'm going to take another nap and then start cleaning.
I'm trying to decide whether I should get a Real ID. My driver's license will expire just after the deadline. I'm not planning on flying anywhere soon, but I might need to fly to a conference in 2021. Plus you never know. My passport has expired too.
Took another nap. Fed the girls and me. Read a little. I'm going to go back to sleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth