
Oct 19, 2019 23:25

I was cold last night when I settled into bed. So I brought out the serious blanket: my velour throw. That did the trick. I had three blankets on me, but people pay good money for a weighted blanket. I need to fiddle with the thermostat because I think that it was colder than 68 degrees F in here. The cats didn't seem to mind though.

OMG. I saw on Facebook that my friend's daughter (the one who made my blog logo) and her dog were in a major car accident, but both were okay. The car, not so much. I hope that she has good insurance.

Kitty contretemps. I think that they must have gotten in a major dustup recently because Zara is walking around the kitchen floor like she owns it, which is good. But they were squabbling before I fed them.

Looked at hand cream sets on Amazon for a Christmas present for my aunt. But I want to check out local stores first. I'm trying to remember what DVD my mom wanted, but I have a memory like a sieve. (It was a Santana CD.)

I'm wondering if I could pull off two sewing classes a month. December is a short month though. Maybe I could take the pants class in December and work on pajama pants over break. I was looking at flannel fabrics at Fabric.com. I found some YouTube videos on sewing flannel.

Dozed for about 45 minutes, and decided that I wasn't really going to fall asleep and got up.

I took a test about your purpose in life ("sparketype") and got The Maven; that is, I love learning for the sake of learning. My secondary "shadow sparketype" is The Scientist. Sounds about right. Of course, they want to sell something about your type. Nope. It would be interesting if my dad or mom took the test to see what he or she got.

I'm wondering why Walgreens hasn't filled my prescriptions yet. Usually, they're fast. But now, they're closed.

Talked to Mom. She had problems with her email and snail mail this week. Plus a planter fell through a bench in the backyard. I forgot to ask her how the doctor's appointment went, but she would have told me if there were problems.

I think that I want to make it an early night. Both Mimi and Zara are in the bedroom right now, so I might have company.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

christmas, huh, weather, zarfa, sewing, omg, mimi, mom

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