Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine?

Oct 19, 2019 01:05

Woke up at 11:30 AM feeling lethargic and wanting to stay home. So I won't go by the gym today. I do have to go to the grocery store though.

Had a nice nap with Mimi. Had a bite to eat, and then Zara settled on my lap. Made a grocery list.

Bluehost emailed me back and asked me to supply something with my name and address, and they'll change my e-mail address for the domain. I'll send it later today.

Threw myself together and ran errands. I have a taste for French Toast, so I got some syrup at Dollar Tree. I'm in the mood to make lemon-rice soup, so I got some lemons. Etc. And I want to make cookies, but I already have the mix at home. Definitely a hibernate-and-cook mood.

The zipper on my coat is stuck though. THAT'S not good. I'm running out of coats that I can wear. I need to learn to sew quickly.

I turned down the heat because Mom has been long gone from here. I'm trying for 68 degrees F, but the thermostat isn't digital, so it's kind of hard to tell the temperature at which it's set.

I have a new plan for the sewing machine. One of the used ones that I liked has sold. What I really covet, though, is a Singer Heavy Duty Sewing Machine. I'm supposed to get $60 from Swagbucks in November. Amazon has the sewing machine for $130, so with the Swagbucks, I could get the machine that I want new for the same price as the used one. Far freaking out. (Now, though, I'm looking at the machine that's one level up, which has a foot for vinyl and leather.) I won't be able to attend the November sewing class though. However, if I could use one of their machines, I could do it. Need to call them.

Something else that I want to make: flannel pajamas.

I keep really wanting to go explore 55+ communities and their environs. Need to save money for it. I could pull off a trip to Tampa fairly cheaply.

The French Toast was good. Zara's now hanging out on my warm lap.

Added: Southwest Airlines' non-refundable ticket from Chicago to Tucson is a lot more reasonable. The only thing is that I'd have to leave from Champaign, and I don't know where I could park. Need more research.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

blog, sewing, mimi, zara, errands, aargh, food, travel, saving money, retirement

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