
Dec 03, 2011 08:20

Finally got around to reading From Hell, and even more interesting to me than the story were Alan Moore's chapter annotations -- full of citations, justifications, interesting references, and the occasional deadpan remark (he said, in reference to the fact that Neil Gaiman had passed on some old-timey dirty slang, that Gaiman had a filthy mouth in at least seven centuries). He really did a fuckload of research for it, or maybe just knew it all already and bothered to write it down for the rest of us plebes. As I am currently "researching" the Polish resistance movement of WWII for a character history, by which I mean "googling" and "reading wikipedia," I feel like exactly what I am: a complete dilettante. FINE. I SUCK. GO AWAY, ALAN MOORE. STOP JUDGING ME WITH YOUR BEARD.
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