an amazing intro to the comic book series Locke & Key, written by Warren Ellis

Dec 01, 2011 21:15

... as if you wouldn't be able to tell about five words in.The thing I hate most about Joe Hill is that he's cleverer than I am, and therefore has things in his head that are better than the things in my head, so what I need to do is fashion a key of some kind, very sharp, and jam it into his neck, just below the base of his skull, and twist it hard until the top of his head opens, and then rummage around in there for the clever bits, pick them out, and stuff them into a bottle, which I will fill with wine, allowing his clever bits to suffuse into the liquid, and so I will drink the then-fortified wine filled with nutritious Joe Hill headbits, and therefore be clever enough to one day come up with the wonderful metaphorical conceit of keys to open our heads and reveal all we hide away in that dark little space, except that's an idea Joe Hill's had already and I crudely ripped it off when I tooled my own key that I shoved into the back of Joe Hill's head, and it's not a special metaphorical magic key, it's just an old doorkey, so now there's Joe Hill's head with this manky old key that I filed a point on sticking out the back of his neck, and he's actually made kind of a mess, and the worst thing I suppose is that he fairly obviously won't be writing any more Locke & Key comics, which is a bloody (hah) shame because these comics are really remarkably good, among the best-written comics I've seen in the last two years, which I guess is because Joe Hill's cleverer than I am and that's why he had to die.


- Warren Ellis
Not Telling You My Location Oh No
July 2009
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