[Chalfriald] Entry Thiry-Six

Apr 21, 2011 16:40

Better, much better. The second trip to Lordaeron this week proved to be much more interesting, the first made me believe that the rotters don't give a plagued ass about their disgusting little sewer city. They make a very convenient labyrinth circling their quarters, high enough to hide and low enough to get the jump on their unwary. I left a path of bodies, dead dreadguards and investigators alike, and I had little confrontation while escaping back into the labyrinth. Boring, but I'm still satisfied to rub their numbers down even by just a little. I decided to make another strike against Brill, and I've been seeing similar faces there. An ugly ass rotter warlock and some Blood Knight always at his side, bastards tried getting the jump on me, but they couldn't keep up. You should bloody well know you can't catch up with a pissed off worgen. Then I got the jump on them, thought I knocked the elf down for good but she stood right back up behind me. I didn't have time to finish off the rotter, the odds were turning against me again, so I parted ways with a good ol mauling and dashed off to abscond with Bjolnir.

Of course, not before  I was trailed by another elf, one that can speak common. Mostly, it was kind of shitty. It seemed like she was trying to parlay with me.. I don't really understand it, I fucking hate it when people pull off the unarmed bullshit, I can't just kill a civilian unless they're a rotter. But she said something like she's a murderer, apparently kills mages, as a blood elf. I didn't really know what she was getting at until she kept following me, it really seems like she wants me to do some of her dirty work, fuck that. I'm not throwing my life away to hunt mages, there are rotters to kill. Still, apparently she didn't care if I killed Horde mages, maybe this can make me easy money.. afterall, if some of the rotters I kill are mages, why not collect? Double win. But I don't know, this whole suggestion and situation reeks of trechery. I'm not working with the enemy, or any friend of the rotters (despite what she says about them).. I have to keep focused, there are higher priorities.

Not to mention, this whole thing with me running wild in Lordaeron is still secret, Jenehvive would murder me if she knew. I feel a little bad lying to her, after hearing her admit to running scouting runs through that twilight citadel place. She was afraid to let me know she's in danger, and I'm running off literally brushing death in the face every week. I'm not sure if she'd understand though, I have to do this. I need to sate this god damn anger that's been bottled since the fall of Gilneas, and we need every dead rotter possible, we can't just wait for forces to gather, every day we give them is another day closer to the fall of Azeroth! After seeing Hillsbrad, I know what they want now, they want to turn every square inch of life into a cloud of death and walking monstrosities. I'll stop them as long as I can. Fucking rotasses.

I really do have to thank Jenehvive though, without her proving as challenging as she is I wouldn't be nearly as strong as I am now to fight the rotters' entire kingdom. I feel like I've really overcome a challenge worthwhile, and even now she still puts up a fight. Gods I love her spirit. And it's nice finally having her adjust to things, even though she left the Lines I'm hoping she's better prepared for attacks of her person in the future. Even if half those attacks are instigated by me, heh. Either way she's doing really well, I can tell she's enjoying our nights together, her snoring even calmed down. Maybe she's finding a better lifestyle with all of this, all the more reason to keep trucking and getting tougher. Kill rotters dead, come home to wonderful four legged times. Life's pretty good right now.

wrong conclusions, sweet sweet vengeance, chalfriald, all fours, jenehvive, undead killing woo!, bad ideas

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