[OOC] Chalfriald Questionaire!

Apr 18, 2011 22:22

((Because so many people have been doing these, and I rather like character questionnaires!))

Name: Chalfriald Rubius Scarmane
Age: 39 (1/2)
Height: 5' 11" human, 7" Worgen (despite the hunch)
Weight: 190 lbs human, 280lbs Worgen
Body Type: Fairly bulky in human form, slightly more lithe as a Worgen but still retains much of his mass
Physical Condition: Toughness is his selling point, that about sums it up. Strength and stamina have been his focus, with his agility lacking. His scars and marks give clear indication that he is no stranger to wounds, and usually becomes tougher as a result. Usually.
Eye Color: Brown in human, a bit of an eerie blue glow in Worgen. They're strange like that.
Hair Color and Style: Charcoal brown in human, it may as well be black. He doesn't keep it too short, but at least keeps his bangs cut and parted away from his face. No particular style, his hair just hangs free down to his ears. In worgen form his gray pelt doesn't have much room for style, but he does keep two warbraid like stubs coiled in his neck fur.

Race: Gilnean Worgen
Class: Warrior
Nicknames: Chal, Wall, Chalface, Moron, Drunk. Idiot, Dumbass, Fool
Alignment: Chaotic good, but keeps up a chaotic neutral pretense
Distinguishing Features: Other than the scars? Well his neck looks like it's been clawed at, his arms look like they've been cut by knives or razors, his chest looks like it's been clawed slashed stabbed and raked, his legs look like they've been bitten, and you don't even want to know about the loins. He usually has a very sarcastic if not smug demeanor, until his mood actually drops. It's kind of hard to tell when he's in a good or bad mood.
Physical Imperfections/Would Like Most to Change: What're you talkin' about, I'm 100% ^#@$ing perfect. ~Chalfriald
Characteristic Gestures: Sarcastic to the point of obnoxiousness, he does not hesitate to piss off or clear a room unless he actually happens to like some of the people there, then he just doesn't bother them enough to leave. He prefers strong company, or at least very tolerable, hence his attitude. Or maybe he really is a raging ass, who can tell, really.

Religion: None, he bashes on the Holy Light from time to time.
Family Background/Lineage: The Scarmane lineage, which traces back to some rather notorious daredevil ancestors, some are recognized positively for their bravery (or as some call, suicidal pride), but many many more are known simply for being rambunctious, steadfast, unforgiving, and simply an affront to civilized critique.
Special Occupational Training: He followed his uncle into the Gilneas City guard soon after reaching adulthood, he maintained a fairly well reputation for a Scarmane, actually compromising with his superiors and making peace with noble families when it mattered. He may have learned about discipline and respect to reach Captain status, but his current attitude suggests that it all washed away after the fall of his city.
Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Hitting things, skinning things, and stubbornness. He can usually fend for himself, cooking food with a bare minimum skill so he at least doesn't come down with a sickness. Really, he is nothing special beyond a very steadfast warrior, very often to be the one rushing in first to break a line, and probably the first one being rolled back to mend three out of four limbs back in place.
Areas of Expertise: Shock trooper, surviving trauma.
Military Experience: Other than being a guard captain at one point, he partially led a unit in the civil war of Gilneas, before the Prince was killed in action.

Short-Term Goals: Kill deaders. Every. Last. One.
Long-Term Goals: Kill deaders, reclaim Gilneas, destroy every last inch of Lordaeron and set it all up in a blaze of retributive glory. We're making this happen.
Short-Term Needs: A distraction for his frustrations. Both fighting and romance are good for this.
Long-Term Needs: A purpose, a sense of belonging, some sort of change occurring in his life.

General Personality Type: Difficult to be around, he really isn't immediately friendly to anyone unless they also stick out as a rebellious instigator or hunts/hates undead with extreme prejudice. Sometimes he allows others to grow onto him, if they last long enough to earn his respect.
Introvert/Extrovert: Very extroverted.
Quirks: He drinks, alot. He has a rather monstrous tolerance, maybe the worgen affliction contributes? No way it can be entirely human.
Eccentricities: He spontaneously demands attention or the spotlight, usually with good intentions as to attract the spoitlight from somebody else who does not need it, but it's often just seen as a childish gesture. Which is what he goes for. He often dances or shouts in order to grab this attention.
Temperament: Loud and stubborn, often lashes at others with the use of wit and their apparent flaws/weaknesses.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): Fighting. Doesn't even have to be killing or serious injury to others, just some sort of heated exercise to take his mind off matters. He isn't one to ever repress anger, he makes it very clear and noticeable.
Admirable Traits: Strong, stubborn, prideful, patriotic, good intentions.. sort of. Y'know this is hard, let's move on.
Negative Traits: Loud, annoying, obnoxious, intolerant, abrasive, booze truck, violent, unforgiving, insensitive, narrow minded, stubborn (yes it's also negative), vengeful, vitalist (undead racist? is that a word?)
Bad Habits/Vices: Holds grudges, pisses people and friends off alike, is drinking a vice? Didn't think so, oh man would that be hell of a vice if it was.
Prejudices: Undead never have the good intentions for the living, no matter the alignment or affiliation. They should be ultimately removed before they decide to turn. While we're at it, magic has caused absolutely every bad thing to occur on Azeroth, including the rise of the Scourge and all following undead.
Pet Peeves and Gripes: Magic being abused or even used at all unnecessarily, and anyone having issues with the worgen, especially if it's voiced by another worgen.

Things That Make Uncomfortable or Embarrassed: Lolwut
Most Painful Things in One's Life: Failure of duty.
Ever Been Arrested?: Not convicted.
Political or Social Issues Most Important To Character: Why are we letting undead walk free? And why isn't the Argent Crusade acknowledging the Forsaken as the new Scourge?
Fears: Surprises
Mental Disturbances: Is the unhealthy affection of violence, fighting, and getting hurt a disturbance? No? Then I guess most of his screws are in place.
Hobbies: Exercising, smelting ores into nice clean bars, fighting to become stronger.
Interests: Socializing (or victimizing, whatever you want to call it), drinking, learning about the martial aspects and traditions of other races.
Drinks Alcohol: Have you been reading any of this? The real question is why is there more blood content than booze in his veins.
Favorite Physical Attributes in Opposite Sex and Same Sex: Whatever can carry itself well, fur and strength are always a plus.
Attributes About Character that Turn on Opposite Sex and Same Sex: Strength, pride, stuborness, fortitude, someone who can care for themselves and added on burdens just fine. A sharp wit means more than an expansive mind. Nerds are boring.
Sexual Turn-Ons: Women who don't turn away from fighting, aren't prettied up damsels that need protecting. Really, anyone who can kick his ass and prove their worth.
Sexual Turn-Offs: Damsels. Flowery weaklings. The short sighted, the impatient, the meek, and the annoying.

Traumas/Psychological Scars from the Past: The passing of his family, the butchered and reconstructed remains of his fellow Gilneans in the forsaken claimed Gilneas City.
Speaking Style: A rather thick Gilnean slur, his 'accent' can be comparable to a dwarf's.
Type and Number of Close Friends:Really anyone that can stand being in his company under their free will is considered a friend, he doesn't really categorize friends and close friends, someone just is or isn't. He keeps the patient and tolerant among him, or if someone is interesting enough to him he forces his presence onto them long enough for them to adapt. Asshole.

Major Problems to Solve or Overcome: The tolerance of undead, specifically Death Knights serving the Alliance, and reckless arcane wielders. Or just arcane wielders at all, really. Also his pride is most certainly going to get him killed one day.
Solutions to Problems: What problems.
Minor Problems to Solve or Overcome: What to do about the next trip to Lordaeron.
Solutions to Problems: Start bringing tricks.

chalfriald, ooc

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