Second Wind

Nov 15, 2010 01:06

Dear Spirits of Writing,

As you may be aware of, events good and bad have occured; Mostly bad.. but let's first look at the good. My writing is getting much better, I think, mostly thanks to you. Maybe you can help Thierry a bit, but she has monsieur typewriter on her side, hee. I tried using it once while she was gone, hope she didn't mind, and it just confused me to my toes. I mean, how do you write with buttons, keys, just letter doohickey things.. it's all engineering nonsense, I prefer writing with quills. Even though they make my wrist sore, I bet she doesn't get those with typing!

And onto more good news, Thierry was lifted of her murder charge. I knew it would happen, but.. my heart was really heavy a few times in that court, it just doesn't make sense. If a system is made up to find the innocent innocent and the guilty guilty, why does it seem like it came close to failing there? I think it was mostly Caeryn and Thierry's.. mom that made it for us. I don't look forward to talking to her about that, nor Thierry seeing her again. She doesn't deserve any of this, she doesn't deserve being humiliated in front of a crowd, having a mom she cried over trying to get her killed, people calling her a whore saying she's rat something.. She might not be the strongest or the smartest, but she is so loveable and kind, and yearning to improve.. that's why the spirits accepted me a long time ago, right? I was no smarter or stronger, fel, Thierry is so much stronger than I was this long into my training. I love her so much, I hope nothing this absord- absurd(?) happens to her again, no one can anything about those fel fucking laws.

Speaking of which, I need a talk with that Harpy. Soon. Let you be my only witness, journal, I might have to burn you if something happens.

Now onto sadder news.. First off, this cult business is getting worse and worse, Orgrimmar is going as far as barring travelers until they're searched. I guess it's a good idea, because they're getting even nastier. I donned my disguise yesterday and poked around, and found out they have summoning altars set up. The bastards. I either hope their summonings fail or they bring forth an elemental of dough and sugar. That would be fantastic! ... You do have forces of snacks, don't you, spirits?

Anyways.. saddest of all, I don't feel like I can make a joke out of this one.

Ceirin is dead. I tried doing her and her boy person friend a favor and surprising her with a gift.. we found her body in Eversong. I couldn't raise her.. I tried and tried, even with the wounds together, she wouldn't. I.. I guess it's been too long to call to her, or she was too wounded, or I can never save them I can't
I can't bring everyone back.. I saved Teaghue, didn't I? Well, me and Carsis did.. that is one more gigantic regret I don't have on my shoulders. But still.. Ceirin, Ceirin Windstriker. I don't know what you did to deserve this.. against another person to kill you or against the spirits to anger them so. I hate this feeling of helplessness that overcomes me.. everytime I see a dead friend.

I wish I could control the rains that poured over this whole world, so I can save everyone without being there. I don't want anymore sad friends. I don't want anymore sad families. I don't want anymore sad.. Zur. I'm.. tired of finding a new person in my life, and seeing them die. ... Elves shouldn't be dying before trolls, and they shouldn't be killing their own kind..

... I read through her journals, it really sounds like this Zenaether guy they mentioned. His own unit even suspected him. If it was him.. if I ever even meet him.. if he really killed one of my best friends i will kill him

No, I can't be angry.. but I can't be overwhelmed by sorrow either. How pathetic is it, my biggest complaint is no matter how sad this makes me.. I can't be sad. I have a duty, I have the spirits' work. I'm sorry, Ceirin.. I'm so sorry. If I could change anything, other than saving you..

I would have gotten you tanked so much more often. I hope I can figure out your favorite drink by the time you're buried, because I want to make sure it passes on with you.

Please find rest, please be happy. I'll remember you no matter what happens to us, or this crazy world. I'll keep working, while I still have this second wind.

I'll keep moving, with the spirits as my witness.

Your servant,

sadtroll, harbingers, farewells, thierry, bad ideas, trial, spirits, ceirin

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