Cracked Crowns

Oct 23, 2010 03:06

Dear Spirits of Writing,

Things could be better. Ever since the earthquakes started, the headaches returned, with more force than ever. It felt like a priest of the shadow was flaying me the first morning Azeroth shuddered. Loas, it just.. it isn't just a physical headache, it's like my mind itself is being attacked, drained. I know now it has to be the spirits, when I made my pact with the elements they promised a link between me and them.. All too common for shamans, apparently Turandor didn't cold back on mine. The usual plants haven't been enough, it's taking some potent mixtures to numb it just enough to focus on work. So far it's just hitting my balance a bit.. note, don't sit at high heights for a while.

Whatever is causing the spirits to be so upset is still beyond me, and the other seers. The Warchief himself plans to return to Outland to find out. That is good, he will find out if anyone can. But.. at the same time..

He's being left in charge?!

Garrosh, HELLSCREAM foolish pigheaded warhungry moron

That embarrassment of a Mag'har is leading the Orcs?! Doesn't the Warchief know he pretty much holds the Horde together? Cairne is good friends with him, and Vol'jin only respects the Warchief.. I don't know about the Forsaken, the Kor'kon are still on them like hounds. I hope the Warchief returns soon, before Garrosh can actually change anything. Loas save us all from the commanding hand of stupidity..

And lastly if things aren't bad enough, the Harbingers are under attack, AGAIN

I'm sick of this, no more, no more deaths no more crazy assholes I will end them MYSELF with the most terrifying storms of Shango and.. ugh, I wish it was that simple, it sounds like it's the Headless Horseman's doing. Ordinarily, he's only a menace to the regional towns, but he seems to be enroaching much more this year. Poor Ceirin got immolated again.. I feel so bad, I'm happy me and Tizze were able to make her relax. ... We should share some of her hookah hits sometime, a nice clump of peacebloom to ease the headaches, maybe some good incense..  gah not the time!

Just recently Jeria, Rid and their kid almost lost their home to this bastard. I'm glad they are all alright, but Rid left me the role of figuring out how to destroy this menace. He -is- a spirit, sort of, so maybe I can find out. Tizze is a shaman of Samedi, he must have strong advice for us to end the threat of a restless dead. Personally, I think it has something to do with the end of the Lich King, his influence on the undead of this world is finally blotted out. Who knows at this point, but I know the spirits can aid us.

For now I'm going to go to Fray Island and maybe watch Thierry.. I do think a buddy system is a good idea, plus we can't have the Barracks burning down again. Oh Thierry.. you don't deserve to be locked up anywhere. The sooner this court can take place, the better. Everyone will see she's innocent, she would never murder anyone. She needs all the relaxation and peace she can squeeze in.. so it's not worth the concern of letting her know about the headaches. I have them controlled, nothing old mother Azeroth can cure with her boons.

I hope you are listening spirits, I swear I will appease you however I can... I am investigating thoroughly, but we first need our own troubles pushed aside. I apologize if we demand too much.. just a little more, please, spirits. I pray every night to you, and the Loas. Everything will fit into order, I know it. I believe in your wisdom and might.

Your servant,

concerns, harbingers, cry of the planet, thierry, tizze, ceirin, spirits

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