Title: A Song She Never Finished
Author: twilight_rush
Summary: But your heart said don’t listen because none of them were for you.
Rated: G
Disclaimer: These words are my own.
Note: Inspired by 'You Are the Moon' by The Hush Sound, Logan Lerman, and me just wanting to write something.
You were so beautiful, so imperfect with grace,
that they had to cast you down from the clouds
because the gods were too afraid and too jealous of your soul.
Your eyes were too bright and you spoke too clearly,
so you pasted yourself onto wide sliver screens.
The people all cried and told you they loved you.
But your heart said don’t listen because none of them were for you.
You’re too far away and you don’t even realize.
I know while you’re looking you won’t think of me.
With burned letters and false hopes with dead dreams,
I hope you find me while searching for your losses.
Because all I ever wanted was to be -----.