Say that three times to a match and we'll call it a day.

Oct 13, 2006 22:12

In the original Greek, the name, 'Hera' = Ἥρα. That first vowel there, that's an eta (Η). It is a long 'a' sound, NOT a long 'e.'

THEREFORE, TV PEOPLE AND OTHER PEOPLE IN MY VARIOUS CLASSICS-ORIENTED CLASSES, PLEASE STOP SAY "HEE-RA," as if the goddess' name was some kind of pronouncation-derivative of "hero."


eta: For what it's worth, this week we've reached the unit that discusses adjectives, one of which is ἀγαθός (agathos, meaning "good"). In its neutered-gender form, it's ἀγαθόν.... IN OTHER WORDS, AGATHON. Every time it gets read aloud, I snicker like a little girl. DAHHH i THOUGHT i was done with this phase of annoying fangirlishness!!

That is, literally, my only comment about tonight's episode, outside of the general zomgawesome.

Hey, you know what's tasty? Gin, peach Snapple, and Sprite.
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