I am totally rocking the praire girl look today.

Jan 19, 2006 13:19

SGA: Michael

I love my show, but WOW you guys are SO MONUMENTALLY STUPID. But I guess that if you're going to give your position away you might as well go out in a FLAMING BLAZE OF GLORY.

I'm sort of dumbfounded when I try to think of what Carson thought he was going to achieve through this experiment, aside from knowing whether his retrovirus worked. Did everyone HONESTLY believe that they would be able to convince a WRAITH to see the "error" of his ways? HELLO THESE ARE ALIENS WHO SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU WITH THEIR HAND, I DON'T THINK THEY ADHERE TO CONVENTIONAL HUMAN LOGIC. At least, not on this show. Therefore, at times....... I was offended by the cavalier "well, being human is TOTALLY awesome and CLEARLY anyone who doesn't see it that way is INSANE AND UNBALANCED" attitude - granted, even though I don't think I would, like, voluntarily choose to become a Wraith, that's still totally weird! It's like, this is a nature-versus-nuture, and everyone but Ronon thinks that Wraith can be nurtured out of their life-sucking ways. *IS VERY CONFUSED BY THIS*

In addition, the subtextual plot of this episode is that Michael is a stepping stone toward some sort of biological weapon - a weapon that, ideally, you could launch at a Wraith ship, turn everyone into humans, and then either A) they'll convert the savages, or B) kill them all with smallpox blankets or something. Ummmmmmmmm... what? If making them human makes them easier to kill, okay, fine, that's dandy, but THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY MAKE THINGS EASIER. Because instead of having a hiveship full of EVOLEVOL WRAITH, you've got a hiveship full of HUMAN BEINGS. That's supposed to solve moral quandries, HOW?

To sum it all up, I think my problem with the moral component of this episode was that Battlestar Galactica does the whole human/not-human/nature-versus-nurture/morality thing with the Cylons SO. MUCH. BETTER.

ON THE OTHER HAND, my listing "Teyla/Wraith" as an LJ interest is no longer so insane!! Guyyyyyyyys. That is so many shades of wrong, it has gone way past "wrong" and into right-territory. (Sidenote: I honestly cannot believe how much I love Teyla these days.)

eta: I'm finding it interesting to place this episode in a timeline around the other episodes, since originally it was produced to run before "Long Goodbye" and "Coup d'Etat." If that had been the case, Weir and Atlantis look slightly better in their wont to ferment rebellion/make friends with the Genii, since friends=guns=maybe not dying this time either. However, had it run then, "Long Goodbye" would have seemed... I don't know, really lame since they end with "zomg the Wraith are coming!!!" and then we spend a week watching Weir and Sheppard chase each other around the city with shiny guns.

But you can definitely tell that this is still pre-"Long Goodbye" because this Weir and "Coup d"Etat"!Weir are so not the same person at all.

(AND HEY, WRITERS, way to not come up with a new way to end the season. ohnoes the Wraith are coming!!!!... wait, we did that already. TEN BUCKS says something from the Milky Way saves their lives at the very last second. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.)

atlantis, ep reaction

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