The backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done.

Sep 14, 2010 17:14

1. I already Tumblr'd (Tumblred? Tumbled?) about L&O UK, but it's my social media synergistic identity so I'll cry if I want to, etc. Also because the downside of trying to sound at least 50% smart and semi-professional is that these type of thoughts have to go SOMEWHERE.


They changed the ending! "Broken" is based on "Killerz," in which Creepy Little Girl kills a little boy just because she can (and because she's creepy!), but eventually she gets off because she's had a ~hard life - even though in actuality, she is a mini psycho. THEY CHANGED THE ENDING. It was nice, too, because it wasn't all "YEAH! Put the girl in jail! She is a monster! *Frankenstein mob with torches*!") It was just... this is one of the awful things they all have to do. They all have to deal with dead kids, and kids killing kids, and parents being shitty and not caring. That they are all (gasp) characters with feelings. I mean. Who said that?

Plus, the beginning was hysterical. Matt and Ronnie joking around and not realizing there are tons of other people in the room because ACTUALLY A CHILD HAS BEEN MURDERED. It was horrible, and... very funny.

Also, here is an example of what I can't say on Tumblr (or I could, but I want to maintain this ~illusion that I can be taken seriously):
Considering that one of the upcoming episodes - 3x03 - is based on a pretty big Jack/Claire episode (“Pro Se”)? Not gonna lie. Quite, quite, quite interested in this season.

The Livejournal translation of this sentence would be the following: "You guys, what the fuck is going to be this season. WAS THAT JAMES AND ALESHA BEING ALL FLIRTY WITH EACH OTHER? It definitely was. I'll say it: ARE THEY SLEEPING TOGETHER. (They did have that ice skating date last year. WITH HIS KID.) And I'm sure it's not going to mean ANYTHING that 3x03 is 'Pro Se,' which DEFINITELY not an episode in which Jack and Claire (WHO ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER) are all flirty and then some families get mad at Claire because she let crazy Dennis O'Hare go this one time so then he went EXTRA CRAZY and killed lots of people with a machete. It's also definitely not an episode where Claire quits halfway through, only to be persuaded to come back by Jack, HER OFFICE LOVER, via this crazy we-are-so-having-sex-after-this charm smile in a pizza joint. Nope. I'll bet this is allllllllllllllll a total and complete coincidence."

In conclusion: L&O UK, I hope you realize the role you have inherited. I have no more Mike and Connie Show. These... like I said before, unfortunately these feelings are going to have to go SOMEWHERE.

(Actually, that's not the real conclusion. In conclusion, show, you should give Harriet Walter something to do. She is even more underutilized than S. Epatha Merkerson, and I honestly thought that was impossible. What is DI Chandler's backstory? Why is she not a DCI while running this squad? Is she married? I think she has kids. Was Natalie always murder police? Narcotics? Vice? Who was her old partner? Do they still get along? Her and Ronnie seem to have some sort of history - how long have they known each other? What's her reputation in the Met? I WANT TO KNOW. I WANT TO KNOW.)

*cracks knuckles*

That felt good, you guys. Why haven't I been doing this all summer? Oh wait, because all I did this summer was rewatch Spooks four times, It's Always Sunny, and a massive West Wing re-watch (which I'm still finishing up, actually: last few episodes of Season 7, tonight and tomorrow!). Most all of that can be summed up succinctly: "DE-LIGHTFUL."

2. Speaking of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:

I ship Mac/Dee something fiercely. I am weird.

This is based 100% on the fact that the actors are married in real life, and isn't even a shipping thing per se except that sometimes I think about how awesome it would be if Mac and Dee got drunk and banged. (The episode would probably be called something like "Mac and Dee Bang.") I don't want to smash their faces together, but whatever, there was an episode where together they raised a baby they found in a dumpster so I wouldn't mind if the smashing themselves, is all I'm saying. AND ALSO SO YEAH, THEY ARE WRITING KAITLIN OLSON'S PREGNANCY INTO THE SHOW? That's interesting. Let's ponder what my brain did that with that small piece of information.

(So the premiere is a road trip through Jersey to the shore with the gang + Chase Utley and Ryan Howard? Or something? I have seen "The World Series Defense" enough times with the bestest that we can both quote Mac's love letter to Chase Utley word for word, SO THAT SHOULD BE EXCITING. Here's hoping for some shenanigans in a Wawa.)

3. Spooks S9 starts on Monday. SPOOKS STARTS AGAIN ON MONDAY, I AM LITERALLY VIBRATING WITH ANTICIPATION. Best part: 9x06 will air on Monday, October 25, which is MY BIRTHDAY, which I will be IN LONDON FOR. Oh, that's right. That's right. Hotel party with a two-liter of Strongbow cider and some BBC to ring in my quarter-century mark, hells yeah wooooooo.

4. I want to say something profound about Mad Men, but I hated the last episode too much to care. It can't be the Peggy and Don Platonic Life Partners Hour all the time?



This concludes my first foray back into fandom? Read my Ruth fic, as I am needy in this way?

Good night, and good luck.

edit: I forgot - I do have a L&O UK tag!

chung chung but with manners, it's always sunny in philadelphia

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