I am so glad that I still possess this icon.

Sep 01, 2010 21:56


Personally, I do not give a fuck if suddenly everyone knows I have a Livejournal. Surprise, I am genuinely certain most people I know and love in real life already know about this, and accordingly don't give a shit, because surprise, sometimes your friends don't judge you for writing stories about fictional people having babies or whatever. (Thank GOD.) I... really find myself not caring in the least in that regard.


Guys, don't be tacky and repost comments you might leave here on Twitter or Facebook. Honestly, it's just plain tacky! That's really all I can come up with. First of all: probably no one cares. I am all for social media synergy between FB and Twitter, but god damn, Soviet Livejournal is the opposite of synergy. Just don't do it. If I find out you are the sort of person who syncs their Livejournal comments with their Facebook and their Twitter, I am going to un-friend you on the grounds of you being extremely embarrassing as fuck to me.


I don't have any shame in saying this. At all. AT ALL AT ALL.
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