what we call the beginning is often the end

May 21, 2010 09:21

I love that it is I started this at 7:30am on my day off, and I am awake but it doesn't matter because I do not have to go to work. I do not have to check work email, or feel guilty for making coffee and watching Dawson's Creek reruns instead of checking work email or ANYTHING- and- oh. Okay. Fine. Let's... talk about the elephant in the room. Which by the time you're done with this, I think I liked? I...? Oh who even knows anymore.



On the one hand: NONE OF IT WAS WRONG IN THE SLIGHTEST. Yes I was yelling "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD JUST KISS HER SEELEY JOSEPH BOOTH" so loud I think my neighbors were concerned. svilleficrecs is totally getting fic out of me where that is concerned because it's not like that's actually that hard to do. Of course when Temperance Brennan finally arrives at the doorstep of Step 10 - you choose the things in life because of the people you are involved with, namely Seeley Joseph Booth, and adjust your schedule accordingly, because that is what it means to be in love, in a relationship - OF COURSE. SHE. WOULD. RUN. Of course she would.

On the other: I'm left sort of, sort of... well, sort of wondering what was the point of this season. Really. It's right now taking a whole lot of TV LOGIC and external OKAY SHOW I THINK I SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING OVERALL, SO...? rationalizing to actually like this finale.

Check it, if there was one scene - one! scene! - where in a moment of late night vulnerability, either Booth or Brennan showed up at the other's apartment and sort of not-asked the other for a good reason to stay and maybe there was a tiiiiiny bit of making out, or at the very least an actual acknowledgement that what they were both running away from wasn't their partnership or their work or their friends or their lives but this, this explosive dam-breaking physical chemistry - HONEST TO GOD, I would feel 100% different about this finale. Because you could play that scene - you could HAVE THAT, and have them both panic, or Booth being game and Brennan panicking - and then send them to the airport, separating for a year, and gah it would make so much sense. I kept waiting for this to happen, actually, for those two very perfunctory Booth/Brennan conversations in the diner and on the Mall ("on the Mall") to be paid off with the kind of thing we had last week - Brennan, totally and willingly vulnerable re: her nightmares about the Gravedigger in front of Booth. In many ways, I think Brennan was waiting for Booth to talk her out of the Indonesia thing, and when he clung really hard to the promise he made at the end of the 100th about moving on, she dove hardcore into it. (Seriously, her face when Daisy announces that she [Brennan] has been chosen to lead the project - holy crap, homegirl was not actually that happy in the slightest.)

I guess - all of this was there, yeah, but only because I say it was?

The 100th episode was so good, you guys. It crushed your soul because it didn't try to pretend anything. Booth loves Brennan; Brennan loves Booth and is TERRIFIED AS SHIT of this fact. That isn't crazy shipper interpretation, that is facts on a screen. But I'm still left with my original question - what was the point of it all? What was the point of watching Booth struggle with whether or not his feelings were real for Brennan; what was THE POINT of Gordon Gordon counseling patience and hope, what was the point of Sweets provoking Booth into doing the opposite which then causes RUIN AND ANGST AND KISSING AND CRYING? Please do not say the cases. No one cares about the cases! And even if you do - holy wow, it's not hard to see the parallel they were going for between this episode's case and Booth/Brennan, and I kept waiting for the episode to (willingly) hit me over the head with it, and... it didn't. And where on any other show, that would have been awesome - yup, I think I like it when BONES hits me on the head.


I don't know.

Apparently we're getting our one-year time jump. THAT'S ACTUALLY KIND OF AWESOME. I don't know why people are so rigid that TV MUST REFLECT REAL TIME sometimes. Personally, I would take Christmas episodes in May, if it suited the story well enough. All I'm saying is, there better be a big god damn hug, the kind that happens and makes you drop whatever you are holding because SIKE I MUST CLING TO THIS PERSON FOR ALL TIME. There better be everyone wanting a big fancy reunion trip to Founding Fathers but instead Brennan and Booth sneak off to hold hands and walk the length of the Reflecting Pool or something while not-talking about how much they missed each other. Booth better have scars he doesn't want to talk about, and instead lots of tales about local Afghani cuisine, and Brennan will be very proud that some Indonesian locals taught her how to make some dish and Booth will say without thinking about it, "Fine Bones, so you can make it for me sometime," and Brennan will agree and then suddenly it will be a thing. I'm just saying. I'm mostly frustrated that BOOTH AND BRENNAN DECIDE TO GIVE THIS A CHANCE is apparently next season's journey rather than this season's resolution (that makes sense, right?), so. These things, they should happen. Because let's face it - this show and I, like we could ever actually break up. Come the fuck on, really. REALLY. Really.

The beginning is in the end. Show began in an airport in 1x01, and this episode ended in one. In many ways, Booth and Brennan's partnership stops being just that and becomes something more after this, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE. So - okay. I see what you did there? TV logic. Lots and, um, lots of TV logic going on right now.


And let's not talk about Sweets and Daisy, please.)

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me why I should have liked this more, guys.



Oh man, and let's not even start on Community, which I adored for simply being so blatantly dysfunctional AND GREAT. I'm pointing at cereal for that reaction (at least on the dysfunctional side).

omg it's the bones

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