We're going to a concert.

May 19, 2010 01:07

Okay, LOST? Can I don my script editor (would that even be it?)'s hat and offer an alternative?

You should have done one episode splicing island narrative (i.e., THIS EPISODE) + Jacob/smokey twin brother backstory, and then any entire episode in the alternate sideways timeline.


Then maybe I wouldn't feel so narratively insulted and condescended.

In other news:

JULIET IS SO TOTALLY JACK'S SIDEWISE BABY MOMMA, YOU GUYS, I AM GOING TO BE REALLY UPSET IF THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN SINCE CLEARLY NOW SHE IS NOT THE SCHOOL NURSE (side note: sad face). But. At the same time! If it does? The universe/Desmond is plotting Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Juliet together in the same room. MY VERSION OF JACOB'S MAGICAL ISLAND OF LOVE COULD STILL COME TRUE!! (The bit with Kate and Sawyer already did!)


I feel like this post belies my thoughts on this episode! I do not know how Alan Sepinwall does this, by the way. For example, the finale will include me + 10 people drunk in a basement, so. Yup.


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