live every week like it's Shark Week

Apr 23, 2010 07:56

you are the standard

Like most of y'all, I do not know what to think about this episode! On some level it makes me want to keyboard smash because it was PERFECT and OF COURSE they would date cardboard cut-outs of one another and it would be SORT OF NICE. On some other level, I want to type a series of ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! DNW, because even after years of serious Fandom Therapy, sometimes it is still a little work not to irrationally hate one-episode guest stars brought in as love interests. (The fish doctor is one episode, r- ...right?) But then there is another layer, in which despite everything - and Hart Hanson retweeted someone last night asking when Booth and Brennan will finally realize that they are already dating each other - I want to saddle up the capslock and declare OH MY GOD YOU ARE STILL A COUPLE WITHOUT BENEFITS - LITERALLY NOW AND NOT BEING CUTE AND META BECAUSE YOU. ARE. ACTUALLY. A COUPLE WITHOUT BENEFITS IN CANON.

This feels a lot like my thoughts on the last LOST episode, actually! (...) "That was - awesome! And great! And EXACTLY what I thought was going to happen next! nowpleasegetonwiththeendohmygoodness" Like it was necessary, and that is fantastic. BUT GET ON WITH IT ALREADY (get on by getting it on - oh yeaaaaaahhhh).

Can Sweets force Brennan/Hacker and Booth/Fish Doctor to go on a double date? Please? Can it be the most horribly awkward thing ever, in which Booth and Brennan when in the presence of one another cannot help but default to being BOOTHANDBRENNAN? To the point where the waitor mistakes them for Couple A? And then dinner is interrupted because Cam calls with a lead on some murder, whatever? So Hacker and Fish Doctor sit at the bar for the rest of the night, getting totally smashed in the name of being the awesomest third wheels in a relationship ever? (YUP. Based on that first scene, I SHIP HACKER/FISH DOCTOR*. Yup. I am actually this weird.)

* I refuse to learn her name. Not out of spite. FISH DOCTOR amuses me.

I mean, it's not like I think this state of affairs is long for this world - would my show make Cyndi Lauper a liar? Heck no. Between their faces when they both admitted to comparing their dates to each other (YOU ARE THE STANDARD) (ANDREW IS NOT AS HANDSOME AS YOU) - the basically ephemeral logic Brennan is employing at this point (she doesn't belong with anyone [implication: I simply choose to be with them]; I can't date you because the FBI wouldn't allow it [except the FBI would, maybe, if you asked them nicely*]) - THE FACT THAT AFTER THEIR "PERFECT" FIRST DATES, THEY STILL FELT THE IMMEDIATE NEED TO MEET UP AT A BAR AND TALK ABOUT THEM, JUST TO MAKE SURE, YOU KNOW, THAT IT WAS PERFECT, AND ALSO POINTING OUT TO US THE AUDIENCE HOW COMFORTABLE THEY WERE WITH EACH OTHER IN WAYS THEY NEVER WERE WITH HACKER AND FISH DOCTOR RESPECTIVELY, AND - well, yeah.

* Her face, for a split second, when Andrew said that? Emily Deschanel, how do you DO THIS? It's like you can see Brennan ticking off the logic boxes in her brain so she can adequately reach the conclusion that yes, it is okay to date Booth.


(Angela and Brennan talking about not talking about being in love with dudes and the things one does to avoid that: ajhfaksjfhaksfhkashf.)

(ANGELA. AND. HODGINS. Make out soon and/or get married for real this time so as to be an inspiration to us all and by us all I mean Booth and Brennan, please.)


omg it's the bones

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