January 1st, Tired and Wasted... [I didn't have to go to the Infirmary!!]

Jan 01, 2009 23:16

As promised I kicked 2008 in the ass through a kickass party. I am not sure how I function now, but I guess this is one of those miracles. However I do wish to start the month of January with a post and get a whole month of blogging, so here goes my challenge. Back to the party, the whole organization cam in the last minute. The location was a small apartment, belonging to the boyfriend of a very nice girl I knew back in high school. The crowd was a mish mash of people, we were around 14 to be exact and it was a thin web of acquaintances. One person knew the other, who knew the next and so on. We stayed there until 2 a.m. because we ran out of ideas what music to play and because there wasn’t enough room, plus we had this dude that started throwing things after the third glass [of beer mind you, how pathetic is that?].

So waltzing our way dazed from the whiskey we reached “Rats”, the alleged second home of a very special home. The bar was in an underground and is rumored to be a hard core rock/metal joint. I guess New Year’s Eve delivers miracles as well, since we had the amazing 90’s rock retro, which wasn’t as hardcore. Imagine Alex Cooper, Oasis and Rammstein. Those I remember. By then I have had around five glasses and 4 a.m. marked my limit. So with two also sleepy friends we zigzagged in hopes to find a taxi. It was nice. Nobody died, was raped or injured themselves… Progress. Pure progress. But alas we were wasted so no pictures for now. But I did manage to get the pictures from the 8th of December.

Almost a month later, but still I got them. By the way I think nobody has really seen my face, which is somewhat frightening. I can hear brian_ohio  whisper that I am a henchman like Igor or something and I can hear the rustling of paper as meredith_wood  redies herself to take notes on a new serial killer [if you do honey, you will get a Nobel Prize for the novel]. Horrible. But I would be thinking the same though. Every other post is about me, dorkiness, weapons and unsuspecting victims. Anyways the straping young thing with the glasses is me, don't be so shocked to see how bUUtiiiFUl I am. Of course I am surrounded by ladies...

PS: Oh, tomorrow is going to be soooo shitty. Study, blog, organize and deal with wounded pride [dork levels at critical mass, but that is for tomorrow]

PS2: Um, I am into sweets right now. So here is this amazing piece called Delicious. The cupcake certainly drives me mad. I don’t think I have ever seen pink look so good and the blond is pretty sweet herself. Photographer: Mehmed Turgut

oh dancing gods, party sweet, awesome

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