(no subject)

Oct 27, 2004 22:12

i dont know exactly how long its been since i last updated, but ALOT has happened. first..i CANT STAND work anymore..so all of yall who want my job might get to have it cuz im thinking about quitting. then, my mom's boyfriend or whoever he is, has been making me mad cuz he keeps getting all in my business...like he'll read my e-mails over my shoulder and sometimes what i send my friends thru IMs. people in band have been making me mad cuz htey cause our section to do push ups...and anyone who really knows me knows that i cant do push ups to save my life so now pretty much everyone in our section is mad at this girl but she's dating one of the drum majors so we really cant do anything. on the plus side...2 exciting things r happening this spring. 1) the band and chorus get to go on a trip to new orleans which sounds like alot crazy fun. then i get to go to prom! so im really excited about that. my loca~homa wants to go looking for a dress right away...she's crazy! hahaha. but anywayz..i gotta go watch my show "Whose line is it anyway"..later!
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