Happy Memorial Day... Hope you can remember it!

May 26, 2006 20:44

Same old stuff...work, work, work... and then of course I have to come home and work... well, at least when I clean, I'm my own boss and I have my own expectations, and noone can tell me if they are not good enough (because, for one, I'm a very thorough cleaner, and the only other person who could critique me is my husband, who is NOT a very thorough cleaner LOL)...

Anyway, so tomorrow, the first day of my 3-day weekend, I'll be cleaning for the first half, since I'm having my family over for a gathering on Sunday. I'd have Rocky's family over, but that story is soon to follow:

Basically, my sister-in-law, Ashley, is going to Japan for missionary work towards her degree at Cincinnati Christian University (formally Cincinnati Bible College)... And we get a call on Wednesday evening that it's THIS weekend that she's leaving, and that they are having a send-off party in LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY (a good 1 1/2 to 2 hour drive from Cincinnati) THIS Sunday...and they want to know if we want to go. I told Rocky it's up to him, but the more he thought about it (the 'party' is at 5PM, so we wouldn't even be getting home until 10 or 11PM with the long drive home!) he doesn't really want to go. So, we're gonna stop by tomorrow down at his parents' house to say good-bye to her and all. She's only going to be gone 6 weeks.

Other than that, we're getting our pool together! It's still a bit cloudy, but that's better than the green we were seeing on Tuesday! :) We added algaecide, which killed the algae, which is what the white "cloudy" stuff we're seeing is... (dead algae is white, fyi)..

Anyway, so we'll probably be working on that tomorrow as well (well, Rocky will be..while I clean...lol)

And that's how our weekend holds up to be. Thus far, we're planning to have a garage sale NEXT Saturday... the 3rd.

Dog's going nuts, so TTYL...
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