Feb 21, 2007 00:05
yay for mid-winter break. mullin and i went up north on saturday to visit his grandparents. it was a nice, relaxing weekend which allowed us to have some good, quality time together. it has definitly snowed more up north than down by us. the snowmobilers were also out in full bloom to enjoy the weather. the roads weren't terrible, but i wasn't the one driving either. we had a nice dinner saturday night and our first game of scrabble, which i think mullin won. that night when we tried to go to bed in the 'spring room,' mullin and i got hysterical for some reason. perhaps it was due to the creepy voodoo head thing sitting on the table which i had to turn around and cover in order to sleep. on sunday, we had a fantastic breakfast and tried sledding. too bad the snow plow came through and cleared most of the snow off the driveway. so instead, we decided to take a walk through three feet of snow. we had hoped to find a chain saw, but instead found some really neat pictures to take (which i tried to upload to facebook but my dial-up service hates me tonight). sunday night i ate so much that i almost made myself sick. i think this was a weekend well spent. mullin's grandparents are so nice and fun to be around, not to mention hilarious to watch in the kitchen.
other than that, i'm getting ready for our first home volleyball game on thursday. i think we can win. and i think it'd be really good for the girls if we did.
i have other thoughts but i'm not in the mood to sort them out right now.