Damned if I Do Ya (4/11)

Jun 12, 2012 20:29

Title: Damned If I Do Ya (4/?)
Author: daydream4way
Pairing: Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,671
Summary: Jack and Zack have been fucking since before All Time Low was even a band, but they’re not exclusive, and no one else knows, and they’re both okay with that, because they each think that’s what the other wants. This story will be primarily told through flashbacks for the first few chapters, and it will probably not be completely historically accurate.

"Hey, you wanna watch a movie, or umm..."

"Or umm sounds pretty good to me. It's been at least week. Its like you were on your period or something" Zack teases.

"Shut up, it’s been pretty hard here; my mom’s always on my ass. You know my mom still hasn't forgiven me for the car. You either for that matter."

"Jack, it’s been three months, she's going to get over it."

"If you say so." But to be honest, Jack is not convinced. Zack reassures him with a kiss, "I do." And he kisses him harder this time, with urgency and desperation, because even though a week doesn't seem like that long, it really is.

"Hey Zack?"

"Mmm?" Zack doesn't really want to talk right now. And as far as he's concerned, the only words coming out of Jack's mouth right now should be his name, and a bunch of incoherent moans.

"Jenna asked me out at lunch today." Jack isn't really sure why he's telling Zack this, he just feels like its something he should do.

"Oh. Are you going to go out with her?" Zack's not sure why it bothers him, but it does.

"Ya, I think so. Is that okay?"

"Of course its okay. Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, just thought I'd check." And okay, Jack would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly disappointed that Zack didn't care, but at the same time, why should he?

"You're not going to sleep with her are you?" The words leave Zack's mouth before he has a chance to think about how possessive they sound.

Jack smiles slightly, "No. I don't think so anyways, I mean we never did when we were together."

"You didn't?"

"No, I told you the first time we had sex that I was a virgin."

'I've never done this before' Zack thought he meant with another guy, not in general. "Oh, shit."

"What?" Jack is more than a little confused. Zack looks like he's having an internal debate, and Jack would really like to weigh in.

"I didn't know it was your first time. It should have been more memorable or something."

"Oh it was plenty memorable. Are you saying we should have made loooove? That’s so sweet Zackie. Oh wait, does that mean that it wasn't your first time then?"

"I never said it was." When Jack said he hadn’t done it before he meant at all, but clearly Zack just meant with a guy?

"I know, I just realized that."

"It was though. With a boy or girl."

Good, Jack thinks, although he's not entirely sure why. "Well we should have lit some candles or something like that." Jack teases.

"Yeah, well if you're done with this Lifetime movie moment, I'd like to fuck you silly before you take Jessica on your date." And okay, yes Zack knows her name is Jenna not Jessica. Zack knows a lot about her actually because Jack has talked about her before, and Zack knows he still has feelings for her.

"That's okay with me." And just like that they're grabbing at each other's clothes, fabric flying in all different directions. And then they're naked, and Zack is hovering over Jack, and he's not sure why, but he asks, "Do you maybe want to try it slowly?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Like softer, more delicate, more romantic, or whatever? Since we didn’t do it like that the first time. You know, to make up for it." Zack begins to blush.

"Zack Merrick, are you saying you want to make love to me?" Jack asks, fighting back a grin.

"Never mind, forget it." Zack's more than embarrassed now, he's mortified, and he's not even sure why he asked the damn question in the first place.

"Hey. Sorry I didn't mean to laugh, you just caught me off guard." He doesn't get a response from Zack, who's looking at the wall, avoiding eye contact. "Zack, look at me." He does. "I would love to make love with you."

"Shut up." He responds, because that’s not really what he meant. He doesn't love Jack. But instead of telling him to go fuck himself, he shuts Jack up with a kiss, a soft, delicate kiss, and it’s slow and mushy and kinda perfect.

Zack moves his mouth to behind Jack’s ear, a spot he knows drives Jack crazy, and plants soft butterfly kisses, listening to the pace of Jack’s breathing slightly pick up. Jack reaches up to Zack’s cock and starts slowly palming him, eliciting a small groan from Zack, who responds by rubbing small circles in Jack’s hips (another one of Jack’s weaknesses).

“I uh... You don’t need to stretch me.” Jack pants.

“Oh?” Zack is a little confused, they haven’t done anything in at least a week, and he doesn’t want to hurt Jack.

“Yeah, I did that earlier in the bathroom.” Jack’s not even embarrassed by the comment, he’s just really wanting Zack inside of him right now.

Just the thought of Jack fingering himself is almost enough to cause Zack to spill his load right there. “Okay” he grunts, rolling on a condom in record time, before positioning himself at Jack’s entrance, because he’s not going to last much longer. And yeah, it’s supposed to be sweet, and romantic or whatever, but a man has needs, and fuuuuck, Jack looks so hot, lying on his bed, neck red from all the kisses, hips slightly red from where Zack’s hands were a moment ago. And normally, Zack wouldn’t notice these kinds of things, but fuck, Jack looks so hot.

He slowly thrusts into Jack, noticing that there’s still a definite tightness. “You okay?” He asks.

“Never better” Jack gasps, because yeah, it’s a little painful, but he knows that he’s only moments from pleasure. “We don’t have to go slow, if you don’t want to.”

Zack’s not sure he can last if they go slow, but at the same time, he really wants to try. “No, I want to. We’ll think of it as a challenge to our endurance.” The comment makes Jack laugh.

Zack starts slowly thrusting, kissing Jack while he does, and Jack wraps his arms around Zack’s neck, keeping their chests touching, and it’s a small act of intimacy, but it’s not something they’ve ever done before, and honestly, it feels like home. Jack pulls away from their kiss and looks into Zack’s eyes, “Hi.”

“Hi.” Zack responds, slowly increasing the pace of his thrusts, but not breaking his eye contact with Jack. It’s weird, he and Jack have been doing this for almost 6 months now, but he’s never felt quite as happy and content as he has in this moment. Jack moves his hands from around Zack’s neck to his hips, pulling him in a little deeper, if that was even possible, and Zack moves his hand from the bed to Jack’s dick and begins to slowly match his thrusts with sloppy jerks.

Jack kisses Zack again, this time it’s a longer, sloppier kiss, as their movements have become quicker, harder, and a little desperate. Seconds later, Jack is coming into Zack’s hand, and Zack is grabbing Jack’s hips and thrusting hard into Jack until he’s ridden out his orgasm, and they manage to do all this without breaking their kiss.

“Fuck” Jack pants against Zack’s mouth. “We should make love all the time.”

“Shut up.” Zack laughs as he slowly pulls out of Jack, removing the condom and throwing it into Jack’s garbage. He lies on the bed next to Jack so that they are both on their backs, side to side, breathing slowly going back to normal.

“Hey Zack?”


“I don’t think I’m going to go out with Jenna after all.” He’s not sure when exactly he made that decision, but he knows that there’s no point going out with her when he has this with Zack. (Whatever this is).

“Oh, okay.” Zack says, stifling a smile. “Why?”

And Jack lays there for a good solid 30 seconds thinking of a million witty things he could say, but he’s just not in the teasing mood. “You know why.”

“Yeah.” Zack gets it, he really does. Sure, they’re not exclusive, they’re not dating, they’re not anything. But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t spend time thinking about Jack when he’s not around.  And he hasn’t even thought of having sex with anyone else, and yeah, it’s a bit scary.

They lay in silence for a few minutes before Zack decides that they should probably talk about what they’re doing. He doesn’t want to complicate it, but at the same time, “What are we doing Jack?”

“I don’t know.”

“I haven’t slept with anyone else.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to sleep with anyone else.”

“Me neither” Jack admits. Because honestly, Jack would be content to never leave this room again, and as scary as those feelings are, especially when he has them for his friend, his band mate, another boy, he thinks that if Zack’s going to be honest with him, he owes it to him to return that honesty.


“So what does this mean?”

Zack doesn’t really know. He wants Jack, but he doesn’t want a relationship with him, he doesn’t think he could handle the judgement from everyone, and he’s not even gay, all he knows is doesn’t want anyone else touching Jack, ever. “That we’re going to only have sex with each other.”

“So we’re like a couple? I don’t know...” Jack’s not really sure how he feels about where he thinks this conversation is heading.

“No, not a couple, no one else needs to know, do they?”

“No I guess not. But we’re exclusive?”


Jack loops his leg over Zack’s and rests his head on Zack’s chest. “Okay. ‘M sleepy. Wanna nap?”

“Yeah.” Zack looks down at the gorgeous man who is sprawled over his naked body and thinks, yeah, we can make this work. This is simple, this is easy.

A/N: Oooh, some actual plot. I think I've finally figured out where this story is going, and I quite like it! Chapter Five is one you won't want to miss, I'm thinking some changes in the bedroom. Comments are like chocolate cake, when I don't get chocolate cake, bitches get cut. (Please comment!)


pairing: merrikat, chaptered: damned if i do ya, rating: nc-17

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