Lock the Doors; I'm Gonna Make this Worth Our While (one-shot)

Jun 09, 2012 18:39

Title: Lock the Doors; I’m Gonna Make this Worth Our While (S/A)
Author: daydream4way
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,393
Summary: Alex has been in love with Jack for longer than he cares to remember. Jack is straight, but a night of drinking and a very sexual game of truth or dare may have some surprising consequences for them.

Alex was having trouble keeping up with Jack and what he wanted. One minute they’re drinking Jack Daniels reminiscing about the time that Jack threw up at Lisa’s end of the year party, and the next minute, they’re playing a very weird version of truth or dare. And really, Alex isn’t complaining, it’s just that he doesn’t want Jack to do something he’s going to regret in the morning.

“Okay, it’s your turn. Truth or dare?” Jack says, downing his third shot of JD.


Alex watches Jack’s eyes move to his mouth. “Kiss me like you’d kiss your girfriend,” Jack said, so quietly Alex almost didn’t hear him.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“I mean, if you did. If I was... y’know...” Alex grabs Jack’s face in both hands and pulled him into a deep, heated kiss. He doesn’t hold back, and neither does Jack. His tongue begs for entrance, and Jack happily grants it, and fuck kissing Jack feels like home.

Jack was breathing heavy. His whole upper body was covering Alex now, and the contact is enough to make Alex hard. Alex takes control of the kiss, rolling them over, and Jack’s hands grab hold of Alex’s hip, grabbing just a little too hard, but hey, Alex isn’t complaining at all.

Alex could feel Jack’s cock stiffening as they kissed, and he couldn’t help it, he rolled his hips a little, grinding them together. And suddenly they weren’t kissing anymore; Jack pushes him away, gasping, his eyes very wide.

“S-sorry” Alex panted, trying to get himself under control. “I didn’t mean to…”

“My turn.” Jack was panting too.

It took a second for Jack’s words to make sense. Oh, right; the game. “Truth or dare?”


“Do that again,” he said, “But, take your top off first.”

Jack swallowed. Alex was sure he had pushed him too far, but suddenly Jack was in motion, lifting up his shirt, so Alex did the same. When both shirts were on the floor, they stopped again, and Alex watched as Jack dragged his eyes very slowly over Alex’s torso. Tentatively, he reached up and placed both hands on Alex’s naked waist, which felt a little bit amazing. But Alex still waited until the eyes made it back up to his before doing anything about it. When they did, he leaned forward, very slowly, covering Jack’s mouth with his own, groaning as Jack’s hands slid cautiously onto his back.

The kiss started slower this time, more gentle. But it didn’t stay that way for long. Jack’s hands were starting to travel lower, until he was fingering the waistband of Alex’s pants, suddenly stopping. Alex really, really wanted to move his hands lower too, but he didn’t; that wasn’t a part of the dare.

He was in the midst of arguing with himself about it when suddenly Alex found himself on his back, Jack on top of him, kissing harder now, pressing into him. Alex moaned and hooked one of his legs over one of Jack’s, while Jack rocked their hips together, and Alex moaned more. Jack was very, very hard now, and Alex was too, and God, if this was all Jack was ready for that would be just fine. Because these kisses were incredible, and Jack was touching him, and Alex was going to come in his pants with Jack moving against him and honesty, he was completely fine with that.

There was a little trail of hair that started just below Jack’s belly button and disappeared down into his pants, Alex has seen it before a thousand times, because Alex has seen Jack naked a thousand times, but in this moment, he’s never seen anything sexier in his entire life, and fuck. Feeling daring, Alex moves the tips of his fingers inside Jack’s waistband. Suddenly, Jack breaks the kiss, and fuck, Alex has once again made a mess of everything.

Jack looked like he was going to say a lot. But somehow the only words that manage to escape his lips are “truth or dare?”

Alex just stared at Jack. Was it even Alex’s turn? Did it even matter? Alex knows how wrong this is. He should not be playing this game with his self-proclaiming straight best friend who is obviously extremely intoxicated. “Jack, I don’t think…”

Jack grinds his hips against Alex’s. “Truth. Or. Dare?” There’s a desperation in Jack’s eyes that has Alex hopelessly unable to say no. “Dare.”

“Touch… touch me,” he says, while looking at Alex’s hand, then up again. “I mean...”

Alex knows exactly what he means. He pushed his hand lower without hesitation, inside pajamas, inside underwear, wrapping quickly around Jack’s very large cock and immediately beginning to stroke fast and hard. Jack gasped, falling forward a little, pumping desperately into Alex’s fist. Alex steadied him with a hand on his hip, whispering into his ear. “I got you,” he murmured, kissing Jack’s earlobe. Jack’s panting and grunting, and swearing almost incoherently, but much as Alex wants to hear Jack say his name, he doesn’t.  “It’s okay,” Alex whispered. “Come for me.”

Jack did. He threw his head back as his hips spasmed, his whole body shaking as he covered Alex’s fist in stream after stream of wetness. Alex works him through it stroking through his orgasm, until a very spent Jack collapsed on top of him, breathing heavy.

For a while, the only sound in the room was Jack’s breathing. Alex just lay there, harder than he had ever been in his entire life, with his best friend on top of him, and he just didn’t know what to do. “Should, um,” he began, speaking softly. “Should I dare you to touch me?”

Jack’s breathing stopped.

“You don’t have to,” Alex says quickly “I mean, it’s okay if you think…” But he stops speaking suddenly when Jack pulls down his pants, moving quickly down Alex’s body, and then suddenly Alex’s cock was in Jack’s mouth. And Alex can’t even remember his own name at this point. “Ohh!” Alex moaned, clutching the mattress for support. Jack was sucking him hard, causing Alex to moan loudly. “Jack,” Alex panted, trying to keep from exploding. Too much, too fast, too good. “Wait, you have to… I’m not gonna… unnngh.”

Jack wasn’t stopping. He didn’t even look up. Alex closed his eyes, trying to hold it back. But there was no helping it. “Gonna come,” Alex groaned, shooting into the back of Jack’s throat. Jack pulls off, laying beside Alex again, not daring to look at his face.

They lay there for what feels like an eternity. Until Alex broke the silence, “truth or dare?”


“No, all you’ve picked is dare, I think it’s time for some truth.”

Jack ponders this for a few seconds. “Okay” he concedes, “truth.”

Alex sits up, and Jack follows. He can’t bring himself to make eye contact when he asks, “what are we doing?”

“I don’t know Alex.”

“That’s not answer. Why did you dare me to kiss you?”

“I -- I wanted to.” He answers in a whisper, which would have been inaudible if Alex hadn’t been listening intently, almost as if his very existence depended on the answer to that question.

“That’s not an answer either. Why did you want to?”

“Fuck Alex I don’t know okay?! Why did you let me?”

“I… I don’t have to answer that, it’s not my turn.”

“Okay, truth or dare. But obviously it’s truth because you picked dare too, so truth; why did you let me kiss you?” Jack’s looking at him now, he can feel it, and as scared as it makes him feel, he forces himself to make eye contact.

“I…” Alex knows why. He really does. He loves Jack. “Because I love you. Okay? I. Love. You. And you’re fucking straight, and you’re fucking drunk, and hopefully you don’t even remember this in the morning, because I really don’t think I could handle losing my best friend.” He looks like he’s going to cry.

Jack just stares at him for what feels like months, and as hurt as Alex is, he can’t bring himself to break eye contact, scared that this might be the last time his best friend ever looks him in the face again.

“I lied.” Jack finally says.


“I know why I kissed you.”

“Okay. Why did you kiss me?” Jack answers him with a hard kiss, open mouth, desperate almost, his hands moving to Alex’s waist.

Alex finds himself suddenly hard again, and he breaks away from their kiss long enough to ask Jack, “truth or dare?” Because as much as he knows this is a bad idea, he can’t pass up what is probably his only opportunity to have what he always wanted; Jack.

“No.” Jack says very firmly, hands still on Alex’s waist.


“I don’t want to play the game anymore Alex. It’s not a game okay?” And then Jack’s lips are on Alex’s neck, and Alex doesn’t know what the fuck that even means, and much as it pains him to do it, he stops him.

“If it’s not a game, then what are we doing Jack?”

“I don’t know Alex.”

“I don’t know isn’t good enough this time. You can’t just kiss me like that after I tell you I’m in love with you and expect me to be down for… whatever this is without knowing what it means.”

“I know, fuck Lex, I know. I really don’t know. What I know is that yeah, you’re in love with me. That’s not news to me. I’m sorry, but I’ve been suspecting that for a while, you’re not exactly subtle. And of course I love you, you’re my best friend, and I’ve been wanting to do what we just did for a long time. Do I want us to be a couple? I don’t know, what I do know is that I haven’t been able to think about having sex with anyone for months because all I think about is how it would feel to be inside of you. And it’s scary, okay? I’m scared.” He’s shaking a little bit, and honestly, he can’t believe he just said all of that out loud.

Alex doesn’t really know what to say. He bites his lip, considering what Jack has just said, and starts laughing. He really doesn’t mean to.

“It’s not funny.” Jack mumbles, looking away, embarrassed.

Alex quickly stops. “No, I’m not laughing at you.” He pulls Jack’s face back so that they’re looking at each other again. “All this time, you’ve been wondering what it would like to be inside me, and all this time I’ve been jerking off to the thought of you inside me. And both of us have been too stupid to…”

He doesn’t even get to finish that thought because Jack pushes him down to the bed and kisses him violently. Alex grabs Jack’s hand and sucks on three of his fingers. “You’ll have to stretch me out a bit first, okay?”

“Kay”. Alex moans as Jack kisses him hand moving down past Alex’s aching cock, pushing a finger in. Alex’s legs were rising along his sides now, wrapping around his waist, and Jack used his free hand to hike one leg higher, to open Alex more, pushing in a second finger. Alex was rocking his hips slightly, so Jack moved with him, matching his rhythm, working the finger deeper with each thrust. “Can you... just...” Alex was panting. Jack stares at him, confused. So Alex held up his own hand. “Like this,” he said, and he moves his fingers to demonstrate. Jack takes this opportunity to push in a third finger before mimicking Alex’s movement, feeling his knuckle brush against something slightly swollen, and then Alex throws back his head, making the best sound Jack has ever heard in his entire life.

“More,” Alex panted. His voice was desperate. “More.”

Jack kissed him again, swallowing that insanely hot moan. Alex kissed back eagerly. “Yeah Jack, I’m goooood.” And his words are music to Jack’s ears. Until he realizes that he doesn’t have a condom, or lube.

“Alex, I… I don’t have anything with me.”

“Oh. I… uh… I have some lube in the drawer here, but I don’t think my condoms are gonna fit you.”

“Well, we don’t have to… it’s…”

“I’m…” Alex interrupts, “I haven’t actually had sex with anyone, so if you’re okay with it, I’m okay with it.”

“But you said you and Lisa…”

“I lied. I just didn’t want to be the only virgin out of all our friends.”

“Oh, well, I haven’t either. Jenna gave me a blow job once, it was really bad though. But we never…” Alex shuts him up with a kiss.

“Well then lube up, Barakat.”

Jack messily covers himself in lube, positioning himself at Alex’s entrance. “Ask me again.”


“Ask me why I dared you to kiss me.”

“Umm okay? Why did you dare me to kiss you?”

As he slowly pushes into Alex, he softly says, “because I love you too”, placing a kiss on his neck. “Tell me when it’s okay to move.”

The stretch and the burning are almost unbearable, but Alex knows everything is going to be okay, because Jack loves him too!?

“Fuck Jack, just go.” He knows his aching cock isn’t going to be able to last much longer.

Jack slowly pulls out, thrusting in while aiming for that spot that had Alex moaning earlier. It takes him a few slow, slightly painful thrusts before Alex is suddenly clenched around him, crying out his name. ‘Found it’ he thinks, picking up the pace because, fuck, he isn’t going to last much longer.

“Harder Jack. Fuck. Make it hurt, I want to feel you inside me for days.” Jack almost comes from those words alone, when the fuck did his Alex learn to talk so dirty?

“Such a cockslut” he replies between grunts, increasing the pressure and intensity of his thrusts, while grabbing Alex’s cock and sloppily jerking him off. He’s suddenly coming on Jack’s hand, clenching around Jack’s aching cock, and moments later, Jack is spilling his load into Alex, filling him, claiming him as his own.

He pulls out slowly, collapsing on top of Alex.

“Hey Jack?”

“Yeah Lex?”

“You can dare me to kiss you anytime you like.”

A/N: I was having a bit of trouble getting the creative juices flowing for Damned if I Do Ya, and ended up with this. You should really comment, because I know where you live and I will eat your parents. Really though, I hope you guys liked it!

pairing: jalex, one-shot, rating: nc-17

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