my year in retrospect

Jan 02, 2006 13:38

2005 In The Beginning......

-Where did you bring in the New Year? first jays house, then allies
-Who were you with? allie, steve, shannon etc
-Did you kiss anyone at midnight? i would have had kyle, but we left jays :(
-Did you make any resolutions? not that i remember
-If so did you keep them? i woudlnt know

2005 Your Love Life....
-Single/Taken? taken? its weird to say...
-How many relationships did you have? technically 2
-How many people did you kiss? 9

2005 Friends and Enemies......
-Did you meet any new friends this year? mmhmm mucho people from work and lana stick out
-Did any of your friendships end? yeah.
-Did you dislike anyone? psh yeah. i am a bitch remember
-Did you get into any fights? um yeah.
-Did you make any new enemies? a bit, yes.
-Did you resolve any fights? not really
-Who was your closest friend? kayla

2005....The Holidays!
-Did you have a Valentine? no sadly
-Did the Easter bunny visit you? mmhmm
-Did you watch fireworks on the 4th of July? 3rd of july i did. the 4th was a weird day.
-Did you dress up for Halloween? yeah! a cat! or josie from josie & the pussycats! you decide.
-What did you do for Thanksgiving? cape cod ugh
-Did you receive what you wanted for Christmas? not everything but i made out pretty well
Were you good this holiday season? somewhat. less than usual

2005 Your Birthday!
-How old did you turn? 17
-Did you have a cake? no actually
-What did you do for your birthday? i went out to eat at old country buffet with my parents and then went to kaylas
-Did you have a party? not this year
-Did you get any presents? yeah i know they were good, but nothing stands out in my mind.

2005......The Memories andcco Amplishments!
-Funniest Memory? probably some K3J moment
-Saddest Memory? hmmm. i remember crying ALOT this year, but i don't remember one specific thing
-Most Embarrassing Memory? wow i have a bad memory
-Best Accomplishment? keeping a job for 5 monthes

-Favorite TV shows? the o.c, reunion, point pleasant way back when...umm family guy & numerous vh1 stuff
-Favorite songs? soul meets body-death cab, timberwolves at new jersey-tbs, dance dance- fall out boy, welcome home- co&ca, MANY MANY more
-Favorite bands? fob, coheed, soad, death cab, tbs & many mnay more
-Favorite food? candy (specifically take 5s)
-Favorite stores? pac sun, hot topic
-Favorite restaurants? friendlys, fast food (during hell week)
-Favorite piece of clothing? "im with the band shirt", bl&wh streiped skirt, pea coat, pac sun jeans, pink&bl vans (summary)

2005.....All about YOU....
-Did you change at all this year? SO much
-Did you dye your hair? a few times, then brown then black
-Did you get your hair cut? YES, its all gone
-Were you in school? mhm
-Did you have a job? yay shaws
-Did you drive? all year
-Did you own a car? yes <333 toyota corolla
-Did you lose anyone this year? no one close to me
-Did anyone close to you give birth? kaylas aunt
-Did you move at all? nope
-Did you go on any vacations? umm nothing major this year. just the typical cape cod & new yok stuff
-Did you leave the country at all? no :(
-Would you change anything about yourself now? not much

----2005.....Wrap Up.----
-Was 2005 a good year? Yeah it was a pretty good year.lots of firsts
-Do you have any regrets? yeah a few
-Did 2005 bring any new insights? definitly
-Do you think 2006 will top 2005? yeah, its already started
-Do you have any goals for 2006? yes. much college stuff. and more.
-If you could relive any moment which would you choose? i think my chemcial romance concert
-If you could forget any moment what would it be? the backlash from when i told my stepdad fuck you
-Do you wish 2005 wouldn't end? No I'm pretty happy it's over (yay for jareds answer)
-Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2006? im a little late, but yeah seans house turned out quite well.
-Who will you be kissing at Midnight? this was unexpected. it was cory.
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