Blue Skies Prompt #3: The Fire Sermon (A Song of Ice and Fire)

Jul 17, 2011 16:18

Title: The Fire Sermon
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #3, shelter
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen
Rating & Warnings: rated PG
Word Count: 350
Summary: Khal Drogo is dead, and Ser Jorah Mormont is making plans…
Author's Notes: First attempt at ASoIaF fic…*bites nails*

There are times when Jorah feels he does little but stand outside the khaleesi's tent and wait for her to finish with her husband so he may resume his place at her side in the khalasar.

If he is honest with himself, this, of all the vigils he has kept, is the easiest. Ever at Daenerys' service, he has waited for her with the knowledge that each moment spent within makes her a little more Khal Drogo's, a little less needful of a knight in not-so-shining armor. But the next time she emerges from her tent, it will be as Khal Drogo's widow, her husband dead by her own hand.

Jorah never would have believed her capable of it, a year ago when he first laid eyes on the child-bride, sold in marriage by her brother for a crown he would never wear to the horse lord who clearly terrified her. Much as he would like to give credit to his own guidance and friendship for her transformation, he is ever mindful that the woman Daenerys she grown into, the queen he has grown to love, has done so in the arms of another man, the king she calls her sun and stars.

He's not fool enough to pretend to the idea that he could, so soon, occupy that place in Daenerys' heart, but she will, nevertheless, step out into a new sunless, starless world. Perhaps she will turn to and see the fire that burns within him for her, and take shelter in the circle of warmth and light.

Walking into her husband's funeral pyre isn't exactly what he has in mind.

Throughout the long night he feels the heat of her kiss upon his skin and thinks of maidens sacrificed to dragons in the stories of old, and wonders why the fairy tales of knights carrying princesses off to safe havens must only be daydreams, and never the truth.

But when the khal's body is burned to ash, the sun rises. And so does Daenerys, naked with her newborn dragons.

Jorah kneels, and takes shelter beneath her wings.

fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater, blue skies: prompt 3

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