April Showers Drabblethon Prompt 4

Apr 28, 2011 02:30

Title: Birds
Author: pukajen
Prompt: Prompt 4
Fandom: X-Files
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Scully
Genre: None
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 165
Summary: It was the silence that woke her, after years of living in the country she gotten used to the birds and today there was nothing.

It was the silence that woke her, after years of living in the country she gotten used to the birds and today there was nothing.

Today, she didn’t hear one chickadee trill, no raucous calling from the crows, no rapid-fire tapping from the wood pecker that searched for its breakfast every morning in the tree deep in the woods.

Mulder wasn’t next to her in bed, but that was far more usual; ten years sharing a bed meant he usually went to sleep in a bed, even if he didn’t always spend the night next to her.

They were back in Washington to fill out some final paperwork turning them from personas non grata into, well, if not heroes, then at least not on shoot-first-questions-later list.

The hotel’s thick walls and triple paned windows kept out all sound. All life.

Scully couldn’t wait to get back to their home, to the life they’d made, the birds’ calls that broke silences that were filled with life.

fandom: x-files, april showers: prompt 4, author: pukajen

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