Title: Made Glorious Summer by This Sun of York
Author: litlover12
Prompt: #19 (Shakespeare sonnet)
Fandom: The King's Speech
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bertie, Lionel
Genre: General
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: His acting dreams didn't come true, but Lionel Logue can still be proud.
“So . . . an actor,” Bertie mused aloud. He and Logue were walking back towards the entrance of Westminster Abbey, having finished rehearsing for the coronation.
“Of a sort,” Logue acknowledged.
“What sort?”
Logue hesitated. “The failed sort, mostly,” he said, at length.
Bertie grimaced, remembering who had used the word first. “I’m s . . . sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
“No,” Logue interrupted. “You were right. Whoever made that inquiry-he got his facts straight.”
“I find that hard to believe. I’ve never known a man s . . . so steeped in Shakespeare.”
“Ah, well, loving the words doesn’t mean one can perform them adequately,” Logue replied, a touch ruefully. “It took me some time to learn that. Even now, I’m not altogether sure that I have.”
They walked on in silence for a moment, before he began to quote softly, as if to himself, “‘Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud: Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun, and loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.’”
Bertie glanced sideways at him. “As bad as that?”
Logue suddenly smiled, his old cheerful air reappearing like a ray of light breaking through a cloud. “No. Not bad at all, really. I have a job that I find quite satisfying. I still get to work with the language that I love. Just in a different way than I expected.”
“‘My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy,’” Bertie murmured.
He realized that the other man had stopped walking, and looked up to see Logue staring at him with equal parts astonishment and pleasure.
Bertie broke into a grin and clapped his teacher on the shoulder. “My friend, anyone who could get me quoting Shakespeare has had a career he can be proud of.”