Feb 01, 2012 23:07

Title: S A M M Y
Author: tifaching
Prompt: #16 Steam
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters & Pairings: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Rating & Warnings:  G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam couldn't wait to start his education.

“Again,” Sam demands.

His brother puffs out a sigh and complies.  “That’s you.”

“How’s that me, Dean?”

Dean casts a  glance toward the convenience store, but Dad doesn’t  appear.  Lunch is the only thing that will derail Sam’s endless questions.

Dean pulls Sam into his lap and points out each letter.  “S A M M Y spells Sammy.”

“I can do you, now?” Sam asks.

Dean exhales and the Impala’s window steams up.  “D,” he says, guiding Sam’s finger through the condensation, “E A N.”

“I writed you, Dean!” Sam’s chubby cheeks dimple, as he wipes out the letters.  “Again!”

author: tifaching, fandom: supernatural, midwinter: prompt 16

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