Midwinter Prompt #15: Aphelion (Thor)

Feb 01, 2012 20:17

Title: Aphelion
Author: perletwo
Prompt: Midwinter #15, How like a winter hath my absence been From thee,
the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen,
What old December’s bareness everywhere!
--"Sonnet 97" by William Shakespeare
Fandom: Thor (2011 movie)
Characters & Pairings: Thor, Jane Foster
Rating & Warnings: G, post-movie
Word Count: 100
Summary: Old habits don't die easy.

Even the hardest learned lessons don’t always stay learned.

Odin warned Thor of this often in his childhood. Since the loss of the Bifrost, his father’s words were an echo in his mind. He feared without the warmth of Jane Foster’s compassion, the old arrogance would strip bare the kinship with Midgard’s mortals that had grown within him.

Every day he made himself repeat Earth’s lessons; every day Jane Foster seemed a step further away. Until the day a rough portal opened to transport Jane to Asgard.

She looks tired, Thor thought, and felt love bloom under her smile again.

midwinter: prompt 15, fandom: thor, author: perletwo

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