Title: Understand
Author: bookdragon01
Prompt: Blue Skies #31
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
- "Danny Boy" by Frederic Weatherly
Fandom: Star Trek 2009Characters & Pairings: Winona, Jim and Sam Kirk
Rating & Warnings: PG, mother saying good-bye
Word Count: 236
Summary: Jim's pov as his mother leaves after a call to deploy.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, but I love them
"Take care of your brother." Mom squeezed Sam's shoulder. She was trying to smile, but her eyes were sad.
They'd been sad since the day she'd gotten the call. Jimmy had seen her eyes close when it had come, face hardening as though taking a blow, before she straightened and answered, "I understand."
He didn't understand. Not really. The people on the news said the Klingons had attacked a colony. They were testing Federation defenses and Starfleet was being deployed to stop them. The people on the news said that the heros in Starfleet would defend us.
Jimmy's father had been a hero, so he did understand what hero meant. It meant you weren't coming home.
"Don't go Mom." He threw his arms around her, holding on with all the strength and determination in his 6-year-old frame.
Her hands stroked his back, soothing. "I have to Jimmy." She kissed his hair.
He normally pulled away from kisses, but this time he clung to her more fiercely. "No."
For a moment his mother hugged him back just as fiercely, and then gently removed his arms and reached out to grip Sam's hand. "I love you both and I have to keep you safe. I can't do that down here - not as well as I can up there.” She held his shoulder, looking into his eyes. “I know you don't understand now Jimmy, but someday you will."