DBD Prompt #32: Different Gestures (+bonus) [Harry Potter/Fringe/]

Aug 15, 2011 11:38

Title: Rest and Relaxation

Author: thelovelylydia

Prompt: Last Blue Skies- #32; heart etched in the sand being erased by the tide

Fandom: Harry Potter Fringe

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Fred Weasley, OC; Fred/OC

Rating/Warning(s): K+ for sexual tension; spoilers for my fanfict

Word Count: 559

A/N: Lydia, my OC, and her relationship with Fred as well as more details on his “forgetting” are in my HP fanfic Something That I Want found over on FFN under my pen name fairfarrenlovelylydia

Summary: Fred and Lydia are at the beach….

Lydia laughed as Fred chased her through the surf. She had decided it was time for the two of them to get away; enjoy some rest and relaxation. So she had planned an outing to the beach.

Relaxation was something that was not on Fred’s plan.

The day had started off quiet enough. He had gone to splash around in the ocean and she had contented herself with a rather good read; her sunglass adorned eyes quickly eating the words of the novel before her. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion, however, and no matter how she tried to stay awake she found herself drifting off.

She was only asleep for perhaps twenty minutes when she awoke to a rather heavy feeling on her chest. Picking up her head after finding her limbs immobile she found that Fred had taken the liberty of burying her body in the sand. She was up to the neck in the grainy soil.

She struggled to uncover herself as the ginger laughed in victory.

“You look absolutely ravishing in sand,” He joked until she was able to liberate her arms. Then she took off running toward him. With a yelp he dashed into the waves, running along the shoreline. His long legs and agile body made him a tad faster but what he had in physique Lydia made up for in rage.

With a final sprint she was able to leap onto his back, driving the two into the ground. Fred wasn’t about to give in easy and he began to tickle her body mercilessly as she attempted to extract her revenge. She instead ended up rolling in the sand as his long fingers ghosted over the sensitive skin of her belly, the gentle fold in her knees, the curve of her neck all which made her howl in laughter. He himself was chortling as she writhed on the ground gasping for release.

After many entertaining minutes of torture he ceased his grasping of her body and sat beside where she lay collapsed on the ground panting. She looked over and grinned at him, she couldn’t stay mad.

“This has been a wonderful day,” Fred began to brush the sand from her back as she sat up. Her legs were parted and bent, leaving a canvas of sand between her thick thighs. With a smile she reached her hand between them, sticking her finger in the sand. She quickly traced the outline of a heart; it was crude and a little lop sided. She then wrote FW + LW in it. He smiled at her as she brushed her hands together to get the excess sand off.

“Fred Weasley plus Lydia Weasley,” She smiled at him. He was glad he had decided to marry the girl he had met all those years ago. Even if she were a Muggle and they now were getting heat from it. She had stood by his side when he couldn’t remember who he was, she had helped him find his family, she had become his best friend. Together they had a wonderful son.

He looked at the heart one more time and then he took hold of her jaw in his fingers. He pressed his mouth against her and kissed her deeply. She responded and wrapped her arms around his neck. They collapsed back into the sand.

BONUS: Fringe + Alice in Wonderland 2010


Title: Rock

Author: thelovelylydia

Prompt: Last Blue Skies- #32; heart etched in the sand being erased by the tide

Fandom: Fringe

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Olivia Dunham/Peter Bishop

Rating/Warning(s): T (for mild sexual reference)

Word Count: 510

Summary: Olivia watches Peter surf.

Olivia sat on the shoreline of the beach as she watched Peter surfing among the waves. She almost didn’t believe him when he said that he wanted to visit some old friends out in California to get together to surf. But then Olivia realized there was probably not a lot she did know about him in the long run. All those years he played con man he must have picked up some very flattering hobbies.

Such as surfing.

He looked like a modern day Adonis upon the board, his usually hidden abs now turning golden under the rays of the sun. His mouth turned into a wide smile as he bent down low on his board, keeping his balance and running his hands through the cresting waves. She had to admit that his butt didn’t look so bad in that bathing suit either.

He had tried to teach her to surf; it was a very interesting experience. Olivia struggled with keeping her balance because she couldn’t loosen up. He had been a patient teacher and insisted that one day she would master it. She doubt that she would but she enjoyed the feeling of his arms around her waist as he taught her on the shore how she should stand, where she should place her feet.

It made her more daring, the feeling of trying something new. At one point he had hold of her shoulders trying to square her out. She wasn’t able to stand upon the board and wobbled in the shifting sand. She lost control and stumbled forward into his muscled chest, his arms flying around her to catch her fall.

“You alright?” He had asked with concern.

“Yes, you’re always here to catch me,” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn’t want to think about what she was doing next because then she would lose her courage. So she just pressed her mouth closer to his and kissed him. He responded, wrapping his arms around her pale waist, one sliding down to grab her bikini clad bum. She had shivered in delight. When they returned to the beach house she found that she was even braver and even impressed herself with the way she took charge in bed.

Peter brought out the best in her; he was her rock. She glanced down to the doodles she was absentmindedly making in the sand. Then her green eyes went back to Peter as he paddled back out to catch another wave.

She felt childish doing it but at the same time she didn’t care. She knelt down in the sand and bent over, her pointer finger digging into the moist soil. She traced a heart along the shoreline. A heart that represented Peter’s love for surfing, Peter’s love for adventure.

Her love for Peter.

And inside she scrawled OD + PB. She had never etched anything like this into a tree when she was younger. She was foolishly acting immature.

But when Peter loved her the way he did- she didn’t give a damn.

blue skies: prompt 32, fandom: harry potter, author: thelovelylydia, fandom: fringe

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