April showers: prompt 1, Tin Man

Apr 11, 2011 20:38

Title: Other Side Blooms
Author: tpeej
Prompt: april showers: prompt 1
Fandom: Tin Man
Characters/Pairings: Princess DG, Wyatt Cain, OC
Genre: General
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 298 words
Summary: Princess DG misses the other side a little, she wish she had something from home.

The spring rain came down and making the flowers in the royal gardens grow so well. Princess DG sat in a window of one of the many rooms in the castle.

Wyatt Cain stood not far from the Princess, watching her. Her thoughts seemed so far away from the O.Z. It was bad enough that he caught himself thinking of his old life with Adora. The way she loved the flowers. She looked forward to the flowers blowing. Wyatt didn't think much of flowers, but Adora loved them. All he could remember was she loved the purple flowers.

“Mr. Cain,” said DG from the window, she didn't even turn to face him. “Do you like flowers?”

Wyatt just smiled, could this woman read his mind? “No not really,” said Cain. “Adora did, I would get her any purple flower I saw.”

“Purple?” said DG. “That would explain the purple flowers around your cabin. I'm not big on them, but on the other side, parental units had a lot growing around the porch. Mostly I didn't think about it at the time. I'd be getting a lecture from 'Mom' and I'd play with the flowers. I wish there was some of those flowers here to make it more like home.”

“You could ask your father to go back over and get some seeds to plant here,” said Cain.

“Could, but wouldn't that make my Mom, the Queen a little more discontected from me?”

“It might, but you could talk to her first.”

“Could.” DG got up and headed off toward the Queen's office. She stopped to talk to the Queen's aid. He slipped into the Queen's office and come back out and held the door open for the Princess.

fandom: tin man, author: tpeej, april showers: prompt 1

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