Prompt 4: Taking Wing (Robin Hood BBC)

Apr 11, 2011 20:12

 Title: Taking Wing
Author: Glorious Clio
Prompt: #4
Fandom: Robin Hood BBC
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Marian, Robin/Marian
Genre: Romance
Rating & Warnings: PG, no spoilers
Word Count: 182
Summary: Marian escapes from Nottingham Castle, for just a little bit.

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Marian threw down her embroidery in disgust. She could no longer sit at her window in her chambers and simply look at the beautiful weather. Like the sheriff, who kept songbirds in his chambers.

She simply had to take wing.

Pulling on her lightest cloak, she slipped down secret corridors and passages, some serving girls used, and some forgotten, dusty from time and disuse.

She saddled her horse, silencing the page that was assigned to her with a silver coin.

Drawing her hood up, obscuring her identity (like some outlaws she knew), Marian escaped the confines of the castle she sometimes called home.

Into the forest she rode, to a place, a nest, that he called home. A boy she knew- a man now, who had taken to the forest to fight for the poor and the victimized. Marian could not claim to be poor, but she was tormented by the leers of the sheriff and Guy of Gisbourne.

Once reaching the safety of the tree-line, she slowed her horse to a walk, counting on Robin to find her.

He always did.

author: glorious_clio, april showers: prompt 4, fandom: bbc robin hood

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