Blue Skies Prompt #3: Rain, rain please stay (Magic Knight Rayearth fandom)

Jul 25, 2011 04:04

Title: Rain, rain please stay
Author: royalbk
Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #3 (Shelter)
Fandom: Magic Knight Rayearth
Pairing: Hikaru/Lantis
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of sexual content
Word Count: 374

It had been two days.

Two days of pouring, freezing rain that forced Fahren to a standstill. Two days of not having left her...the room. Two days of not having left the bed.

Lantis nipped at the possessive, little bite marks he'd left on her neck and sighed soundlessly.

Hikaru wasn't sure she could walk straight - anymore - if prompted. Heck, even her thoughts right now were a mere incoherent clutter of confused little animals that drunkenly stumbled over each other and then some. Lantis had taken good care to throw sanity out the window when he'd decided to turn what threatened to be a depressing, room confinement in Fahren's palace into a game of strip tease.


Safe to say that the teasing part had only lasted until she'd laughingly pushed her dress off the shoulders and then things had blurred and quickly turned into a game of up-close and very personal in which stripping had been necessary and bedding mandatory.

That had been yesterday and Hikaru had yet to get over the embarrassment of having food left in front of the door to their suite because neither of them could be bothered to get up and serve breakfast/lunch/dinner like normal people.

Though, seeing how Fuu hadn't come to look for her yet, Hikaru was somewhat blushingly confident that Ferio was also familiar with this particular game.

"Stop that," Hikaru mumbled lazily when Lantis moved to nuzzle her shoulder like an attention-starved puppy. "Tickles"

"Then I'll have to remedy that." Lantis replied, turning the light touches into tight nips that sent shivers down her spine. "I was going for the more serious effect anyway..."

"Stop that" she squeaked, ignoring his disgruntled (and somewhat adorable and ruffled but she wasn't going into temptation!) visage. "How are we ever going to get out of bed if you keep doing...that?"

In response Lantis tightened his arms around her and, against her back, his chest rumbled with silent laughter. "Dinner is by the door. But I'm not really hungry for food now."


"No more protests this time around?"

Hikaru turned in his embrace and silenced his teasing with a kiss.

Maybe she could do without proper food for another few hours or so after all.

fandom: magic knight rayearth, author: royalbk, blue skies: prompt 3

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