Blues Skies, Prompt #6: A Lion Lives (ASOIAF)

Jul 20, 2011 10:11

She has never wanted to be anything but a lion.  Her whole life she has prided herself on being a Lannister.  Yes, the dragon was feared, but they are extinct, proving their weakness.  The lion lives.

It is their fire she has envied and dreamt of in her fevered dreams.

But you don’t need a dragon to create fire.

Her hopes had been pinned on her twin, but her hopes were misplaced: she should have been Tywin Lannister’s son, for cocks have been wasted on both of her brothers.  Now, with garments rent and golden hair matted, she places her hopes on fire.  She has slipped the message through the bars of her cell.  It is a promise only a lion could fulfill: gold, mountains of gold for the man who will set the city ablaze with wildfire.

She wants to hear them scream.  She wants to watch the flesh of the people of King’s Landing sloth off in the flames.  She wants them all to die-women, children, cripples, and beggars alike.  She wants them to know as the wildfire consumes them with licking green tongues that Cersei Lannister cannot be bowed or beaten.  That she will outlast them all.  That an old woman telling fortunes was wrong all along.

Of course, the blaze may consume her as well.  Wildfire does not discriminate.  Lions burn as well as mice.

But she is not afraid.  A Lannister always pays his debts, and to do that, she’ll have to survive.

fandom: a song of ice and fire, blue skies: prompt 6, author: just_a_dram

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