In the bleak midwinter...

Dec 15, 2011 06:50

All's been quiet on the day_by_drabble front, but our New Year's resolution is to brighten the upcoming dreary days with The Not-So-Bleak Midwinter Drabblethon!

For those of you who participated in our past events, this one works exactly the same. If you're new to the community or just need a refresher, here's how it works:

1. On Sunday, January 15, we'll post the first prompt, which will be either a word associated with winter, an image, a few lines from a song or poem, or a quote, from which you will write and post a drabble of no more than 1000 words inspired by that prompt. Drabbles, of course, can be for any fandom, characters, pairings, etc. as per the community rules. Rinse and repeat for thirty-one days.

2. You do not have to write a drabble for every prompt.

3. You may not write more than one drabble for a prompt.

4. You may post a drabble for a particular prompt at any point during the Drabblethon.

5. You may not post more than two drabbles per day.

6. All entries must be posted with the following header :

Characters & Pairings:
Rating & Warnings:
Word Count:

7. All drabbles must be posted to this community (no links to personal journals*, please) and behind an lj-cut.

*We'd like to ask that your entries be exclusive to day_by_drabble for the duration of the Not-So-Bleak Midwinter Drabblethon. You may, of course, link your non-member friends and communities here, but until posting closes on February 15, please do not post your actual fics anywhere else.

8. All entries must be tagged as follows:
Fandom: The Cat in the Hat
Author: SuessFan
Midwinter: Prompt 1

9. If you plan to participate, please comment to this thread so we can create an author tag for you. Note that by signing up for Not-So-Bleak Midwinter Drabblethon, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the rules of the event as well as those of the community. Any questions you may have about the rules may be posted to this thread, as well. And if you're a member of a community where you can promote this event, please mention where you'll be posting in the comment where you sign up! We've created a handy ad banner that links to the rules post to make it easy for you to give a shout out to your friends lists, communities, forums, Tumblrs, etc.">" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Click to find out more...

10. Arriving late? Not to worry, we're quite happy to accept new participants throughout the course of the event. Just comment here to let us know you'd like to take part, and we'll create an author tag for you.

Can't wait to read all the new fic 2012 brings!

midwinter: info, community info: drabblethon

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