Finally watched it for the first time. I missed Toy Story 3 in theaters due to my life being what it is and finally had it cued on Netflix.
Chef Torte was right. It was a very epic piece of pixar magic. I was quite concerned after watching Toy Story 2 and seeing the writers struggle to explain away the cast tagging along.
Toy Story 3 while a bit forced in areas, I could tell off the bat which toy was the villain and which one would betray the villian, was still amazing.
One of the facets of story telling I value the most is where each character drives a part of the story. It justifies the character's existence and makes the movie seem less linear. For the most part, all of Andy's toys had their own role to play. Some had plot, some had sabotage, some duce ex machina, some utility. The climax segment of the movie would not have worked had any of the characters not been present. This is far more then I can say in 2 where non-stars acted more like a body count with no reason to be there other then being fan favorites.
Pixar still has it.
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