Aug 01, 2007 16:49
My little brother is just the sweetest thing ever. Lately he has been playing pokemon on his gameboy a lot (I thought pokemon is over, but apparently it's not...), but as his reading skills aren't great and the game at times requires extensive and difficult reading we sometimes help him out there. So last night, when I was in bed, he came over so I could read him something, him lying next to me and our sister on the other side. The plot was basically that most of his character's friends believe that he is evil and bad and he has to go on and clear his name. Before he goes off to do that some good friends come to say goodbye, and then the mail delivery bird thing drops off a letter from itself saying that it would miss him and that it believes in him and will be waiting for his return to bring him letters again. And would you believe it, when I read him that letter my brother started crying, genuine tears running down his cheeks, chest heaving sobs. So I asked him what's wrong and what does he say? "That - is - so - sweet!" and he just bawls his eyes out about leaving his pokemon friends and the letter.
I got tears in my eyes, too, but mine were from laughing, or rather repressing laughter so he wouldn't notice. There he is, the little macho, always playing tough as can be, and he's crying like there's no tomorrow.
The sweetness knew no bounds. :D