So you made it through 2020.
I really hope you did - by hook or by crook.
2020 was a beast. So many lost their jobs or were furloughed or had their wages cut, some have lost loved ones whether through Covid-19 or not (I know I have lost loved ones in 2020 and will carry them with me through 2021 and beyond).
If you had a great 2020, I hope 2021 is even better. If your 2020 was awful, just terrible, like this wig terrible -
Then I hope 2021 is infinitely better.
Some things weren't so bad, though, right? SUPERNATURAL finally ended eons after Fatty Fat Fat Fat Jensen A(rbu)ckles said SMALLVILLE went on too long. And keeping in line with SPN fandom, the penultimate episode and finale wank was glorious!
But, back to what I am here for.
Everyone says be kind, and I don't have to tell any of my mutuals that because from all my time on LJ I know you lot are the kindest and most supportive and giving people. But extend that kindness to yourself. Do something silly. Do something that fortifies your soul even if it's creating a dummy Twitter account to do battle with Deplorables.....not that that's what *I* did.
Anyhoo! Love to all! Stay safe out there!