Game of Thrones: S6 Finale...

Jun 26, 2016 22:27

I’m okay. I’m fine. I’m completely fine with House Tyrell literally being blown apart. I’m good. I’m GREAT. I’m…



However as a finale?

The young!Queen of Flowers!

I take comfort in the fact that she and Loras faced their horrific death together.

Should’ve tried it 50 miles outside the radius of the blast zone

I loved Margaery and Loras so much. I really will miss those characters. They’re the flip side of Jaime and Cersei. They’re both as driven as Jaime and Cersei but they definitely more compassion and the ability to love more than the Lannisters ever has.

And I was strangely hurt by Tommen’s suicide. He annoyed me this season, yes, but I didn’t want him to be so distraught that he killed himself.

Literal King’s Landing

Adding insult to injury? This is Dean-Charles’ second time being killed off. He was killed off as Martyn Lannister in S3 by the Karstarks.

So long Dean-Charles Chapman.

Do keep in touch with sleepyhead Bran

He failed at pitching a tent like he failed at leading

No more Lannisters

Lancel and Kevan were killed in the blast

No more legitimate Barantheons. No more Tyrells (I’m so pro-House Tyrell that I wish the show would’ve added Margaery and Loras’ brothers. Storywise it’s smart to consolidate and it makes the stakes higher that Loras was the heir unlike in the books where he’s not; but I hate that my Lady Oleanna lost her family!!)

Less saddened by Maester Pycelle. The old regime had to go. Sucks that a bunch of tweens knifed him.

The High Sparrow should be happy-he became a matyr for his cause.

At least he's in the afterlife with hot!Khal Drogo

*Beautiful Ned and Lyanna flashback. It was an important character moment for Lyanna to say she was afraid because Lyanna was the brave “she-wolf”, she was like Arya-headstrong and fearless. Interesting that D&D gave up as much as they did. In the books the readers just know that Lyanna makes Ned promise her but it's never explained what. But here she tells him he has to betray him (Robert) and "you know he will" meaning "Kill this baby dead as soon as you ride up with him if he knows he's a Targaryen).

I loved how they transitioned the crying baby into Jon. It's so fitting because Jon Snow remains a cry baby.

Someone brought up a very good point in that Bran is the only one party to this information besides Meera's father so why would anyone believe Jon is a Targaryen when they have no concrete proof? Maybe one of the dragons will glom to him and that will prove his lineage? IDK.IDK.IDK.

Since this season has been about confirming theories (intended by GRRM, as well as fan theories), I was hoping that Benjen’s arc would end with him explaining why he joined the Knight’s Watch. Yes, serving at the Wall is a Stark tradition and an honor for their house but with his father, brother and sister being killed it was curious that he would leave Ned behind. The fan theory is that he knew about Lyanna running off with Rhaegar and didn’t tell anyone that it was of her choice; thus leaving him feeling guilty over the fact Brandon ran off half-cocked to the Mad King in order to get their sister back and everything quickly went to hell.

*Good on Sansa swerving Littlefinger like that.

She has him pegged. Now it’s just a question on how is she going to protect herself and Jon from Littlefinger’s machinations?

What I don’t like is his desire to sit on the throne. He sees all the trouble that comes with that seat yet he wants it?? He works better in the shadows like Varys.

*It's moot anyone. Tyrion joined Team Wanderers and they're coming with ships (lots of 'em) and dragons (only 3).

*Arya picking up skills along the way: fighting from Syrio, ruthlessness from the Hound, faceshifting from the Faceless Men and how to make pie by Hot Pie. A girl is learning.

Countdown to Death of Cersei

Cersei is truly Tywin’s child. Tywin took out a whole family, but Cersei racheted it fifty notches and took out e’rryone.

Obviously she doesn’t care about anything right now, even moreso that Tommen is dead. But she has to know her time is winding down considering Maggy the Frog’s prophecy came true so far: she would marry the king, but wouldn’t have his children. She would have 3 who would die. A younger, more beautiful queen would take her place. The last bit she would be killed by her younger brother. Jaime is younger by minutes. I can see S7 (because I think S8 would be battle of the Wight Walkers and the 7 realms) Jaime killing Cersei and killing himself right after.

With all these fantastic characters dying or leaving like Jorah, we are left with the D squad. I will never ever ever ever ever ever care about Sam and Gilly (did he go all the way to the Maesters to learn about the Horn of Winter..the horn he found 2 seasons ago? Will that ever even come into play on the show?). And even less about the Sand Snakes; though their teaming up with Lady Oleanna piques my interest.

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And is Gendry still rowing?

I don’t know but Joe Dempsie is hanging with Jacob Anderson.

And being talked about by Richard Madden

Yara, Tywin and Podrick

Now the wait for season 7....nearly a year from now.

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