Movies I've Seen...Upcoming Films..

Jun 27, 2012 03:14

It’s officially summer (yes!) and the summer films have been a mixed bag (poor “Battleship”, “Avengers” heroes must have the power of mind control-a billion in box office?). This weekend saw Pixar’s 16th number one film with “Brave”. But I like to think of all of these films as the appetizers before “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Yep, it’s a TDKR post )

tom hardy, picspam, movie review

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Re: He Do Like the Fatties.... dawnybee June 27 2012, 22:00:36 UTC
Tom does like the Fatty A(rbuK)ccles! Fatties Every Where REJOICE!

I’m already spinning the idea that what happened in this edited video of Jensen approaching L’il Ian on the press line at the Upfronts is that Jensen slapped Ian with a glove nattingly tucked away in his pocket on behalf of Tom.

NO! Unbelieveable! That must be why there is so little of him in this post.

What can I say, I fall fast and it goes away that quickly. Maybe it’s the beard from hell that’s obscuring the love.

Is Lawless the film that Mr. LowBuff beat him up on set?

Yep. That’s the one where Shia left Tom a quivering mass. Laid him out. Such a moron.

And yet, they seem so friendly. What Great Actors!

This is why Little Shia is still working because I’ve watched their interviews together and I thought I could sense the tension but nope, none. Maybe Tom is too scared of Shia to throw him shade. ::rolls eyes::

DAYYYYYUMMY! This is how to dress on the Red Carpet. All she needs is a big White Crane Hat on her Head.

At every event she was a stunner. I’ve never seen anything she’s been in but she’s one of my fashion icons.

He looks like a Japanese Movie star! I want to see him in a samurai movie with a ponytail and a glorious kimono outfit.

He can be the new Keanu! He can wait twenty years and redo “The 47 Ronin” that Keanu just completed. Circle of Life!

All this crap about losing baby weight. She (both of them and all the others) just had a Baby. The Baby is the number one priority in their life, or should be. Worry about the Baby and if it is being well cared for and loved. Who the F*ck with any respect for children or who has any worthwhile values cares about some cellulite and fat? There are Lost children out there whom they should worry about. Get some priorities in your life. Go visit a homeless shelter and worry about those hungry children. Better yet, help them.

Preach! It’s sick and sad that not only men have that feeling but some women! There was a story last year about New York women specifically who were worried about gaining weight during pregnancy so they were underfeeding themselves, therefore starving the fetus. Then working out immediately after birth to lose the weight. And Dr. Nancy Snyderman on Today just went in on the idea, calling it vulgar. It really is. That should be the least of one’s worry.

Cillian Murphy and Tom Welling are brothers or cousins. They have the same DNA, I swear. Where was Tom's mom when Mr. Murphy entered this world? Except Mr. Welling got the Supersized DNA!

Like that twin who is bigger in utero because it leeches all the nutrients? Tom leeched a good portion of the beautiful genes.

Ben Walker and Liam Neeson did get the same DNA too. Except Mr. Neeson got the Supersized DNA.

And the supersized talent.

Miss Knightley has my chest---AA cup. Good to see someone who isn't inflating her breasts with silicon pads. And she is one of the few young Stars who wears her hair short. The woman is a nonconformist. I like her for that.

She really has a healthy sense of self. I wish other actresses of her generation would do the same.


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