Supernatural, TV Misc...

Apr 11, 2012 13:30

The Cabin in the Woods

If you’re a fan of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or “Angel” (especially “Angel”), then you will be able to perfectly accept the wry, humor filled, pulp-comic feel of the film. Not unlike “Creepshow” and “Evil Dead”.

Written by Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, who also directed (Goddard was a BtVS, “Angel” writer and writer of “Cloverfield”) was completed three years ago, but sat on the shelf at MGM when the studio went into a financial tailspin. Now with financing from Lionsgate and close to Joss Whedon’s “Avengers”, which also stars “The Cabin in the Woods” lead Chris Hemsworth, the film is finally being released.

Five college friends who look nothing at all like college students (just giving Thor a football and Jesse Williams a Garanimals shirt does not make me think they’re younger than they are) played by Chris Hemsworth, Kristin Connolly, Anna Hutchinson, Jesse Williams and Franz Kranz of “Dollhouse” doing his best Shaggy from “Scooby Doo” impersonation venture to an isolated cabin for the weekend. Once there, they’re drawn into a dangerous situation that leaves them fighting for their lives.

To give a detailed description will be giving too much away. What makes the film so good is the

If you’re looking for a frightening horror film, this is not that movie. But if you’re a horror fan, like a real geek horror fan like my friend who was pointing out Easter eggs left and right of iconic scenes (and more) that the film pays homage to. It’s really entertaining whether you’re versed in horror films or not but it is jarring to see that collision of broad humor and horror. When it ended my friend asked a guy in front of us what he thought and he dazedly replied, “What the fuck did I just watch? Ask me again in a few days when I have time to process this.”

Besides Kranz, Amy Acker (Fred, “Angel” ) and Tom Lenz (Andrew, “BtVS”) have roles. And because it was shot in Vancouver there’s a SV alum in a few scenes: Adrian Holmes (Basqat).

~This is not an April Fools Day joke because April Fools has long past , but it feels like one. But it’s not. It’s just the interwebs with its

Someone posted their concerns about Jared Padalecki and his Gropey McGropperson ways towards his costar. They’ve since deleted their post because I guess they were laughed off of Tumblr? One of the links posting it

Jensen and Misha should contact Human Resources immediately! (and harassment is not a joking matter at all, but someone perceiving Jared’s interaction with his friends is). Posted in full because this is delicious.

Jared Padalecki is unprofessional and repeat harasser?

I know I’m going to get a lot of heat for this but I want to discuss it openly anyway. After spending the last two day watching several hours of Supernatural conventions, I was appalled to find out that Jared repeatedly harasses people on the set sexually.

For those who don’t know the legal definition of sexual harassment, it’s the following:
“Unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment.”

The first video I saw talking about Jared’s behavior was one where Jensen was demonstrating how Jared would grab at his thigh and squeeze really tight during a scene trying to get him to break.

I was taken aback that someone could actually grab you like that on a set and that behavior would be accepted. I know people can joke around but to touch each other like that is wrong. If Jensen were a woman, there wouldn’t be a question about how wrong this is. Sadly because there are two men, the line gets blurred.

But that wasn’t the worst part. Once I got to the Misha videos I was appalled to discover that Jared makes it a habit of grabbing people on set and that Misha gets the worst of it by having Jared on multiple occasions actually grab his crotch.

This behavior fits the definition of sexual harassment perfectly. What Jared is doing to Misha is unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature that is pervasive and affects working conditions.

It’s unwelcomed because no one goes into work thinking ‘hey grab my penis’. It’s physical because Jared’s body is making contact with Misha’s crotch. It’s pervasive because Misha and other actors have mentioned it multiple times. So this hasn’t been a onetime thing.

It affects working conditions because apparently after attacking Misha so many times during scenes it became impossible to get worked done so the writers actually stopped writing most Sam and Castiel scenes. (dawnybee: ::Flavor Flav voice:: Woooooowwwwww)

My question is that if Jared’s behavior gets to the point where it actually affects the integrity of the show and changes what the writers are coming up with then why doesn’t someone sit Jared down and read him the definition of professionalism, tact, and sexual harassment in the work place?

I know that Jared is a nice guy but he is a serial harasser and if someone was doing this to his wife on a set he would be furious. So what gives him the right to grab Jensen’s thighs when Jensen doesn’t want that?
(dawnybee: Cos they’re…)

What gives Jared the right to grab at Misha’s crotch when he doesn’t want that? (dawnybee: Maybe he’s campaigning to be Misha and his missus latest threesome?) Can I go to him and grab his crotch? Can I go up to his wife and grab her ass or breasts? Of course not!

Jared doesn’t have a right to do this but sadly he has a role of authority on the set since he is billed first and perceived as the lead. Misha is in a supporting status and only has a handful of episodes. He definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable making a complaint against Jared.

Not to mention that neither Jensen nor Misha would ever treat this as anything other than horse playing because society makes it so that men feel they have to take this shit from other guys or else they are sissies and not man enough.

I want to hear what others think about this because I am truly appalled. I work at a center for abused women and I just have a really low tolerance for this type of behavior.

But let’s not leave the topic of SPN on a sour note. The guys have once again won TV Guide’s Fan Favorite.

From TV Guide:

The fans have spoken, and after thousands of votes on our Facebook page, the winners of TV Guide Magazine's Fan Favorites Awards are in! Top honors go to Favorite Drama winner Fringe and Favorite Comedy and Favorite Ensemble winner Community. Star Joel McHale says Community's fans' enthusiasm "sometimes chokes me up. It makes me want to hug them. French kisses for everyone!"

Castle fans can celebrate the fact that Castle and Beckett won the Favorite Couple award for the second straight year, even though the characters aren't technically in a relationship... yet! "The fans have willed us into couplehood!" Stana Katic says with a laugh. But fans might get their wish, according to Nathan Fillion. "In the Castle and Beckett [dynamic], we've seen ebb and flow. We're going to see a lot more flow in the end of Season 4."

Freshman fantasy drama Once Upon a Time was a two-time winner, taking home trophies for Favorite New Show and Favorite Villain for Lana Parrilla's wicked Evil Queen. "This was a passion project for me and Adam [Horowitz]," says executive producer Eddie Kitsis. "We have a finale planned that is going to be so unexpected that the audience will be left wondering what happened."

Check out a complete list of the winners below, and pick up this week's issue of TV Guide Magazine (on newsstands Thursday, April 12) for more scoop!

Favorite Drama: Fringe

Favorite Comedy: Community

Favorite Actor: Michael C. Hall (Dexter)

Favorite Actress: Zooey Deschanel (New Girl)

Favorite Singing Competition: The Voice

Favorite New Show: Once Upon a Time

Favorite Horror Series: Supernatural

Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Ringer

Favorite Couple: Castle & Beckett (Castle)

Favorite Villain: Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time)

Favorite Comeback: Tim Allen (Last Man Standing) (dawnybee: People are watching this?!)

Favorite TV Foodie: Gordon Ramsay (Hell's Kitchen)

Favorite Ensemble: Community

Favorite Train Wreck: Toddlers & Tiaras

*If you’ve been keeping up with the Dan Harmon/Chevy Chase kerfluffle then you would think that “Community” would get Favorite Train Wreck.

Hints of their feud came to fore in February when Dan Harmon tweeted this after the wrap party: “Dad took my side at the wrap party in an argument with a gaffer about whether Chevy is a dick!” #atonementwithmyfather.

Someone replied to his tweet defending Chase and Dan replied: “if he fell down
a manhole tomorrow nobody would cry and TV would be fine.”

Flashforward to this month where Reddit posted audio from the Harmontown discussion Harmon does regularly. At this Q&A he played a voicemail from Chase where Chevy cusses him out for leading a chant of “Fuck you, Chevy” at the wrap party. Which is just rude, but it was made worse by the fact that Chevy’s family were there. This came about because they had a run-in on the set earlier where Chevy walked off.


This release coincided with a Chevy interview with Huffington Post where he was his seemingly usual disagreeable, rude, sexist has-been he criticizes Harmon for not writing enough for him and letting him do what (he thinks) he does best and that the show is generally unfunny and no one can understand it. Because he knows comedy. He starred in “Zoom” and “Cops and Robbersons” dammit, he knows comedy. Since then another leaked voicemail came out where he calls the show a fucking mediocre comedy.

Not to side with this idiot, but this season hasn’t been the best. And I’m pretty sure Harmon is an alcoholic at the very least (at the last “Community” Paley I went too he looked sweaty and wrung out like Artie Lange of “The Howard Stern Show” and I’m talking Artie at his low point prior to his suicide attempt, not “Mad TV” just coked out of his mind Artie) But if Chevy thinks his pratfalls and bumbling is funny it’s not. They did an end bit not too long ago that was Pierce fumbling with a soft-serve machine. The only people who would find that funny are the same ones going to see “The Three Stooges” film this weekend.

Harmon followed up with a rambling apology to fans of the show for the distraction.

I like former TV writer Ken Levine’s take on the situation. Essentially his view is that as a showrunner you must defend your product and resolve the issue before it blows up. He feels that Harmon should’ve just fired Chevy (and with an upcoming death on the show people think Pierce is a goner) instead of tangling with him.

As Levine points out this is just another danger to the internet and how things pick up steam quickly. Kurt Sutter creator/writer of “Sons of Anarchy” stepped away from Twitter for a time because his rants were being reported as news and he felt they were overscrutinized (Sutter had a dust-up with Charlie Hunnam on at least two occasions when Sutter took to Twitter to passive aggressively address comments Charlie said in a interview about how actors on the show are kept in the dark. Then there was an incident where they had an argument before a press conference and Charlie cut out.)

~Another creator/actor showdown that was of interest was the Nicolette Sheridan unfair termination and battery lawsuit against Marc Cherry and ABC. The trial ended with a mistrial with 8 to 4 in favor of Sheridan. Right before the mistrial the judge dismissed the major component of the lawsuit which was the battery charge. Sheridan was hit on the head by Marc Cherry when he was directing her in a scene. The intent was to demonstrate how he wanted her to hit Neal McDonough.

Sheridan contended it was a smack/wallop out of frustration, Cherry says it was his directing style and it was a tap. Work went on after Cherry gave a non-apology saying he was sorry she was upset. Sheridan then told Executive Producer George Perkins, who was on set, that she wanted another apology and flowers from Cherry. Before she made this request Perkins had already emailed Human Resources of “an incident on set”. Perkins went to Cherry saying that she wanted flowers but he refused saying that it would make the situation more than it was. I think had he sent the flowers that probably would’ve ended this. The incident happened in 2008 and she was killed off in 2009 and she viewed this as retaliation because Mark Pedowitz, who was at that time the president of ABC Studios launched an investigation after reading about the incident in The Enquirer.

Cherry and his writers say that there were plans to kill off Edie long before the investigation was launched, but what made people curious is that ABC knew that they were going to kill her off, yet they paid her $4 million for the coming season-one she wasn’t going to be in. That fact raised suspicion over the intent behind killing her off.

I follow Maria Elena Fernandez of the LA Times on Twitter and she covered the trial for the paper. Her tweets were more illuminating than whatever was printed on various sites because she relayed the tenor and tone of the people involved. Little tidbits like after Jamie Denton testified on behalf of Marc Cherry, he came out of the courthouse and shouted “Shit” and those around said he looked tortured. On the stand he commented that he considered Nicolette a friend. Fernandez also added her history with the cast stating that the Times wanted to do a 100th episode feature about the show but it didn’t work out because the actresses (at that time including Dana Delaney) refused to be in a picture together; and all wanted to use their own photographers, not one from The Times.

Art Imitating Life

Sheridan lawyers want a retrial while ABC’s lawyers are seeking punitive damages from her for letting this go to trial.

~Do you remember the early years of FOX? I’m not talking “Married with Children” but “Adventures of Beans Baxter”, “Duet”, “Women in Prison” and “Second Chance”? Well, too bad because FOX doesn’t care about those shows! FOX will celebrate their 25th Anniversary by reuniting casts from their hit shows like “Married With Children”, “The X-Files”, “In Living Color” and “That 70’s Show”.

Know what’s sad? I remember this promo!!

image Click to view

~The pilot season is still underway. There are still castings being announced and while some pilots have wrapped shooting (like CW’s “First Cut”) others have yet to begin filming like “Super Fun Night” that stars Rebel Wilson and costars Alan Ritchson. “Super Fun Night” is shooting their pilot towards the end of the month and I was shocked to see that it’s will be shot before a live audience. That made my interest go way down. The possibilities are endless if they just went with a single camera format. I’m so used to that format now that I cringe at shows with audiences. It seems so forced.

A CW alum Aly Michalka has been bounced from the pilot “Rebounding” after they revised her character by making her older.

Deadline Hollywood Daily ran a post about what pilots are hot or not. According to DHD The CW’s Green Arrow pilot “Arrow” and the “Sex in the City” prequel “The Carrie Diaries” are likely to get series orders. ABC’s “Beauty and the Beast” and “666 Park Avenue” which stars Vanessa L. Williams, Terry O’Quinn, Dave Annabelle and “Charlie’s Angels” “Rachael Taylor looks promising. CBS’ “Partners” starring Brandon Routh, Michael Urie, Sophia Bush and David Krumholtz was tweaked a bit but people are saying it’s good.
Getting good buzz is “Elementary” which is CBS’s modern retelling of “Sherlock Holmes”. The pilot stars Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu as Holmes and Watson. BBC and “Sherlock”’s co-creator Steven Moffat are keeping a close eye on CBS’ version. Both have stated that CBS wanted to remake “Sherlock” with their cooperation but was rejected, so now it’s curious to them that they have their own modern take on Sherlock. While BBC nor Moffat created the character of “Sherlock Holmes” they feel the law will be on their side if CBS’version holds too many similarities to their show

It’s way too early to tell for NBC’s “Hannibal” since they have not even cast the lead role, but for all intents and purposes it’ll be a go for series. The series developed for TV by Bryan Fuller (“Dead Like Me”, “Pushing Daisies”) “explores the early relationship the renowned psychiatrist and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers “

*Random thought:
Josh Duhamel and Timothy Olyphant: Separated at birth?

*I was disappointed in the season finale of “Justified”. This season had very few highpoints for me. Just read an interview with Natalie Zea (Winona) and it was her idea to only be in a few episodes this season. She wanted to end it last season so that she can do other roles (she’s in a pilot now), but they talked her into recurring.

~Justin Hartley tweeted this cup of designer latte muttering about Los Angeles and their drinks.

But Justin has no vision! Coffee is great alone, but with designs? It just adds to the coffee drinking experience.

Those art students turned baristas deserve the opportunity to let their genius shine

*And whoever said “Don’t play with your food” had no imagination.
Wonder Woman Soup

Mint Green Hulk Soup

Split Pea Thing Soup

Black Bean Batman

Bento boxes
Nightmare Before X-Mas



Something Horrific

Lost themed

Storm Trooper

~I leave
Someone caught in a rad bromance with Tom

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