Hugo, TV Talk...

Nov 22, 2011 16:45

* Thanksgiving is two days away or as it’s now known as: the day before Black Friday. I’m not a big follower of Black Friday items because I don’t that competitive shopper attitude of trying to beat someone to that deal. It’s like trying to fight a bear for its honey. I just lay down and play dead. One of the Black Friday items that piqued my interest was the S6 DVD of “Supernatural” for $12.99 at Best Buy. $13 bones isn’t bad for that box set. “The French Mistake” and the Dean/Cas break up episode “The Man Who Would Be King” is worth that price alone.

Speaking of the SPN boys. They’re on hiatus and have made their way to L.A. Jensen and Daneel attended this past weekend’s Shockfest Film Festival where Friends of Rosenbaum James Gunn and Eli Roth were honored.

*I have never seen an Eli Roth directed film really. I did see the fake trailer “Thanksgiving” he made for “Grindhouse” and was disgusted and offended by it as it continued in the torture porn vein that he showcased in “Hostel”. But reading his interviews and seeing him support the films he’s produced (he was quite a showman at the premiere of “The Last Exorcism”), I’ve grown to love Eli.

Eli, Gunn and Rosey

And he’s very cute
*With his parents at Shockfilm Fest

With friend/”Inglorious Basterds” costar Omar Doom

I didn’t see any pictures of Jensen, but someone tweeted Gunn asking if Jensen was there and he said that he saw him from across the room.

There is photographic proof that Jared is in L.A
Yeah, this is still happening.
*I hope someone ran a spellcheck on his book cos it's not happening on Twitter.

Jared needs a beanie to cover up what’s going on atop his head

*Chad is doing a signing at the Barnes and Noble at the Grove in my neck of the woods. I am thisclose to going just so I can face my enemy.

He’s tainted other cities with his presence.

While Jared is hanging out with smug, faded WB actors, Misha is keeping himself busy by attending cons

Posting pictures of Jared

But in between, as he awaits his star turn on "Ringer", Misha Collins is keeping himself and his Minions busy. Misha has been hinting about an upcoming project named GISHWHES and has finally revealed what it is: the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. Misha is attempting (let's face it, will achieve) to break the Guiness Book of World Records for largest scavenger hunt. There are over 600 teams comprised of ten people. Here are some of the items his Minions have to get...or die trying. Because as Misha said, "We want you to have fun with this, but remember, the most important thing is winning."

*Someone completely covered in cotton candy. The only part of them that can be showing is their face, which has to have lipstick all over it. (19 points)

*A police officer and a leatherjacket clad biker holding hands (12 points)

*A photo of any actor (other than Misha) from the Vampire Diarrheas, Nikkita, Supernatural, or M.A.S.H. wearing a Justin Bieber T-shirt. (33 points) (dawnybee: Matt Cohen and Julie Niven (young!John and Anna have tweeted to meet up with people to get this done)

*An authentic email from Jared Padalecki that says, “I am Misha’s bitch.” (52 points) (dawnybee: Is that Jared's signature line or something?)

*Play croquet on the field in front of the ruins of Tazumal. (18 points)

*GISHWHES spelled out by 8 police officers holding lettered signs. (Each sign has one letter of G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S.) (18 points) (dawnybee: Because the police aren't busy pepper spraying people)

*Purge your closet and get a photo of yourself handing your old clothes to an employee of a homeless shelter or to a homeless person directly. You must be wearing a fake mustache in the photo. (13 points)

*Take a photo of someone wearing a wedding dress while floating in the Dead Sea. (29 points)

*Show documented proof of someone procuring a loan in Greece. The loan document must be notarized and must show a date between November 17, 2011 and November 26, 2011. (29 points)

*Take a live bull to watch a boxing match in Mexico. (70 points)

*Photo of an item dispensed from a Japanese vending machine that is neither food nor beverage nor consumer electronics nor a tobacco product. Both the dispensed item and the vending machine must be visible. (13 points) (dawnybee: What else would be in the vending machine? A person?)

*A woman with a minimum of shoulder-length hair with a one-inch wide racing stripe shaved down the center of her head from the forehead to the base of her skull. (33 points) (dawnybee: I read that someone is really doing this)

*A Hooters waitress reading a copy of Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique.” (41 points)

*An 80-year-old woman wearing earrings made from human molars. (80 points)

*A 4’X4’ portrait of the actor Jared Padalecki made from Swedish fish glued to plywood. (36 points) (dawnybee: Why so Jared specific? He wouldn't dare subject Jensen to this. It's bad enough Jensen is the size of Marlon Brando in the bad years. He doesn't have to be made a mockery of. Though for 25 points someone has to create a sculpture of Jen using raisins and glue)

*A tent pitched in the middle of the backyard of the White House. (76 points) (dawnybee: If someone could just lure Bill Clinton back there and show him a picture of a young chick. That'll do the trick.)

*Video of someone describing the step-by-step process of sausage making in such a way to make sausage sound appetizing. (This may not be possible.) (26 points)

The first prize for winning will be a paid trip to Rome for Dinner with Misha. They will also be a raffle for those teams who submit five items and that chosen will also join the winning team in Rome.

*The cast and creator of “One Tree Hill” have tweeted that the cast has wrapped their ninth and final season. That’s right, nine seasons. One less than ten. That means if my petition and sacrifices to the TV gods go through, Smallville will be the last WB holdover to go 10 seasons on the CW.

That’s right Js. Your days are numbered

No, don't even. That won't work on me.

*”Gossip Girl” just celebrated their 100th anniversary by having a party and still being as boring and overrated.

Her breakup with Leo killed her style

Fug and Smug Alert

Kelly Rutherford and Matthew Settle
*I love the length of his jacket

Was Michelle Trachtenberg even born in the 80s to like this look enough to revisit it?

I want them to happen so badly

*SPN’s competitor NBC’s “Grimm” has received a full season pick up. ABC has finally cancelled “Man Up”, but is replacing it with another rotten comedy, “Work It” which is like an updated version of “Bosom Buddies” starring Amaury Nolasco of “Prison Break” (whose girlfriend Jennifer Morrison is actually starring on a good show: “Once Upon a Time”) and Benjamin Koldyke where they are friends who pose as women to get jobs as pharamacutical reps. The only way I’m buying this premise is if they get the job because the employer believes they are transgendered women and want to be open-minded.

This will see the light of day, yet “Cougar Town” has once again been pushed back.
*Erica Durance’s pilot “Saving Hope” is going to series. The Canadian production is looking for US backers to appear on US channels. Erica will return to US TV with an episode of “Harry’s Law” where she will play a woman who thinks she’s Wonder Woman. A deep nod to David E. Kelley’s failed Wonder Woman pilot.

*Get your cupcakes ready

HBO has premiered the teaser BTS trailer for season two of “Game of Thrones”

Season 2 - In Production

*The Paley Center for Media has released a preliminary list of this year’s honorees. Once again they are saluting “Modern Family” and “Mad Men” and new show “American Horror Story”. I hope “Mad Men” and “Modern Family” are the only two repeats this year. The Paley Center use to have specialized panels like “Creating Comedy” and “Creating Drama” so that they can pull in people who are interested in the writing field. And while that wouldn’t sell out the Wilshire Theater, they would get a huge turn out because there are TV writers former and current with huge followings: Judd Apatow, Paul Feig, Dan Harmon and Kurt Sutter. And face it, since they’ve been in the Wilshire Theater they’ve really only sell out maybe two shows per Paley Fest. The rest they have to sell at discounts or give away blocks of tickets to different organizations.

*Russell Tovey has done a follow up interview to explain his departure from “Being Human”.

It has to do with this lovely bloke

His explanation: “I felt so sad when I saw how Aidan was leaving,” “I felt so sad for George, because he was losing his best friend; I felt so sad for the show, because Mitchell was a big reason the show was so successful. I feel like we were The Spice Girls and we’d just lost Ginger. Or we’re Take That and we’d just lost Robbie. Or we’re Westlife and we’d just lost Brian. Although no-one cared about Brian. Okay, we were Take That.

“I’m going to miss Aidan. I didn’t want to do it without Aidan and I wanted to leave on a high. It just felt time.

“I know some people might be pissed off with me that I’ve left, but I want people to love George and understand that I want to go off and explore other things. It’s sad. I’d decided that I was going to go when I finished filming series three, but then it was so successful and I thought, ‘Should I really be leaving?’ But I am. For me three is the magic number. It’s always in my head. I’d done three series and I was ready to go.”

So while it looks like he won’t be a part of season four, supposedly he’ll get a proper send off.

Meanwhile Aidan’s whoring it up with his new costar Martin Freeman

Giving your hairy love to anyone, you slag

At the end of Season Three, there was talk that Michael Socha will be returning as Tom, the young werewolf. Looking at Socha’s Twitter, it looks like he is back on set, but I have no clue on his status.

*His Twitter is like what Tom Hardy’s Myspace page was. They’re both so hood. Except Michael doesn’t have pictures of himself taking pictures of himself or pictures of him with guns or pictures like this

Add Ellen Barkin’s Twitter to the mix and it’s a fcuking blast.

Her response when someone made a crack about “Sea of Love” being made 100 years ago.

Tom’s man-ny Pnut has a Twitter. I don’t think he posts much, but besides giving people health/exercise tips, he’s just a fount of inspirational/motivational words.

Is it any wonder Tom loves him

Well, he’s a very loving person

*I’ve smashed all my spoiler virginity with pictures and articles about “The Dark Knight Rises”. Maybe not totally. I let it put the tip in (okay, that’s even bad to my eyes)

But I’ve put a stop to it. I am now no longer reading anything about the film. And I’m definitely not reading the Empire article about the film that includes an interview with Christopher Nolan.

The coolest peeps

All this “The Dark Knight Rises” madness is cutting into Tom’s PR for Oscar season. They are a series of screenings coming up for “Warrior” and “Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy” where everyone but Tom are doing Q&As.

But the studio is pushing him

*And I cannot wait for “This Means War”

~Thanksgiving also sees the release of two family films: “The Muppets” and “Hugo”. The Hollywood Reporter ran an eye-opening article about the dissention amongst the long-time puppeteers and the voice actors of The Muppets over the tone of the new film. The voice-actors and puppeteers were concerned over the non-Henson principals they believe are in the film like the other Muppets being jealous of Kermit’s success and fart jokes. It’s an interesting look at how a small company like the Jim Henson Company was jibes against a bigger corporate owner who doesn’t give the company the attention and care it may deserve.

In any case “The Muppets” debuts this weekend so that means the end of their
parody posters.

What’s old is new again

*Jason Segal who also stars, cowrote the script and is a die-hard fan of the Muppets so I believe his heart is in the right place when he wrote the script. He has as much love and respect for the characters as they puppeteers do.

I totally understand, Jason

*The film “Hugo” is also opening.

It hasn’t gotten nearly the amount of press as “The Muppets” despite it being directed by Martin Scorcese and co-produced by Johnny Depp. The film based on the children’s book “The Invention of Hugo Cabret” which blends fictional situations and characters with historical figures stars Asa Butterfield as the titular character, an orphan who lives and works in the clockworks of a train station; Chloe Moretz as the girl who befriends him, Sir Ben Kingsley as her guardian, George Méliés (an actual filmmaker who invented stop motion) a somber man who owns a toy store within the train station who becomes connected to Hugo through a book that contains a sketch of a project Hugo and his late dad were working on (Jude Law who is only in one scene)

The film is shot in 3D and it is gorgeous. It’s divine. It is a picture book comes to life with its rich depth of color. I can’t say the same about the script. Since it’s based on a book that is heavily comprised of pictures, the movie rolls out slowly, very slowly. So slowly that I fell asleep. Which seems to be my thing with Scorcese films: “Shutter Island”; asleep. “Gangs of New York” , asleep towards the end. I couldn’t even get through “The Departed”. The parts I was awake for largely deals with escapism and finding joy in art. Had I not known it wasn’t derived from a book, I would’ve thought that Scorcese had written this film himself about filmmaking and the love of film. Set in Paris in 1930 (with a largely British cast all speaking with their British accents even though they’re in Paris and French), it connects Hugo who is in a quest for a connection to Meiles who has lost everything. It’s about inspiration. I just wish that it wasn’t so bloody boring.

*I didn’t know it at the time but The Smashing Pumpkins “Tonight, Tonight” is an homage to Méliés . One of the best Dayton/Faris videos.

Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight by krematoria

What I did love, besides the 3D was “Boardwalk Empire”s Michael Stuhlbarg. He’s so captivating onscreen, just a quiet, yet effective actor.

Okay, I’m attracted to him

With his costars

~I leave you with

LJ's Question of the Day
*Yes, have you ever awaken before me?


Morning Afters Suck
Where are you going? Do you want to have dinner tonight? I was thinking we could visit my mother in Topeka. Maybe we can go to the Fortress, introduce you to my ice dad.


j2, misha collins, tom hardy, tv misc, movie review

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