SV Eppy Recaps...

Apr 11, 2011 01:31


What I Loved

*Usually something as big as the OffScreensville action of AU!Lionel being in Metropolis “reclaiming his assets for months” and taking over LuthorCorp would garner a “Are you fricking kidding?” from me, but it works because all we’ve seen of Tess and Oliver is the two of them being wrapped up in Watchtower/League business that it’s absolutely plausible that Tess and Oliver had no idea AU!Lionel had snatched it under their noses. I’d even go further in saying that by the looks on the faces of the two Planet employees when Tess entered that they were surprised Tess was still around, as if they were thinking “She either doesn’t know she works here or she’s here to shoot up the place.”

*Lionel Luthor!

Oliver (to Lionel): “In this world you murdered my parents.”
Lionel: “In mine too, and I had a very good reason.”

Lionel (to Oliver): “You made one fatal mistake: you trusted them; the people. They’re vulgar, uneducated and stupid and they don’t even know when you’re fighting for them.”

That was the best! I love an unapologetic villain.

Lionel continues to be the man. I wish someone would string together all the scenes throughout SV’s run where Lionel just pimpslaps people with his words. Just Three Stooges style slaps for everyone. Glover has such intense and immense screen presence that it’s believable that he renders the gang immobilized. They become so small before him.

*Martha and Lionel continue to rock after all these years. Their chemistry and intensity in their standoff is outrageous. I love how Lionel gleefully baited her,“I loved to give you presents.”

*Lucas Grabeel as Alexander. At turns dispassionate, fragile and consumed with fury, Lucas was able to go through a gauntlet of emotions in this role and he did so well. There were some parts as in the scene with Oliver confronted with Lionel and Alexander in the office (at first I wrote “Lionel in Alexander.” How Freudian, but could you blame me?)

I thought that they had underwritten Lex. Why have him for the most part look on silently as Lionel and Oliver talked. Alexander has all of Lex’s memories, he didn’t have anything to say to Oliver about how he was treated at Excelsior or any other many things that Lex has against Oliver? Then I thought about who we’re dealing with: Lex Luthor. Lex was very good about taking things in, observing and not reacting right off the bat. The writers carried this on with Alexander as he let Lionel pitch his support, yet kept an ear and eye open on Lionel to see if he could really be trusted. Because as Alexander said in the episode, he has all of Lex’s memories. He knows Lionel is untrustworthy.

The entire scene where he torches the mansion was great. I don’t have much opinion on the Clark/Alexander scene because it’s so not about Lex at that point. If the show’s endgame was going to be Clark battling Alexander it would’ve been a huge disappointment because Alexander, memories and DNA or not, he’s not Lex. He’s a shade, an echo.

*The fan videos. Being online and in fandom it’s commonplace to associate with people who share your love for the show and characters and seeing fan vids on the show really brings home the array of fans the show has. It was a beautiful opportunity for the fans to give voice to what Tom’s Clark Kent means to them.

What I Didn’t Love

Martha to Chloe: “We both needed to leave for Clark to stand up on his own.”

The entire Martha/Chloe conversation really did my head in. Are they now really suggesting that Martha left not because she wanted to be a senator and help out in her own way, but because she needed Clark to stand on his own? When didn’t Clark attempt to stand on his own while he was still at home? He even wanted to train with Jor-El after (or maybe it was before) Raya was killed. Will they ever admit that the reason they lean so heavily on Clark or is so invested in Clark’s life isn’t because he needs them to bolster himself up, but they need to feel important? Martha could be an instrument and a proponent for change by doing her job, not by becoming Red Queen.

*Chloe (to Lois): “How am I suppose to be protecting my heroes off the grid if I’m totally on everybody’s radar?”

1) You ain’t important. No one knows or cares about you.
2) Nice way to be inconspicuous because you don’t stand out at all walking into a newsroom dressed up like someone out of a European espionage flick.
3) Did I mention you ain’t important and no one cares about you?

Chloe seems to confuse protecting with nagging into submission. Her idea of helping Oliver is telling him to stay holed up in Watchtower. That’s about as helpful as telling Davis to stay in the basement of the Talon. A plan of inaction is still a plan, just a useless one.

Other Bits

*Chloe (to Oliver): “If you get caught you’re going to be wearing prison orange, which is not the best color on you.”

Excuse me?

*Lack of attention and logic. As fast as Clark is (you can see the flash of a sonic boom as he sprinted out the door) why did he make it to the hospital after Martha arrived and bandaged up? He should’ve been there before she arrived, I would think.

And he wasn’t wearing a jacket in the living room scene, but at the hospital he’s wearing a jacket. I guess he’s concerned about Martha, but also about the wind chill that comes from superspeed.

AND (yes, I know this is really getting ridiculously nerdy on my part to pick apart such things) Clark had to check in with the agent and let him know that he’s Martha’s son, yet Chloe strolls right in? It could be explained away that the agent asked her while the camera was focused on Martha, but what kind of crack federal security agent would give access without first checking with Martha if she knew her? I guess being Chloe Sullivan open all doors. Even though you erased all trace of your existence.

Another thing that irked me was the retcon that kryptonite bullets disintegrates on impact. Clark was shot by Ku Klux Van and the bullet had to be dug out of him. Also, I’m sure there’s been times when he was even punched with kryptonite---outside of the sex play where he asks Oliver to punch him with kryptonite so no, it doesn’t turn to dust upon impact.

*Chloe (to Martha): “Who would’ve thought there would be a day where heroes need this much protection?”

I know, right? Because it was such easy going for Martin Luther King Jr, Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and Mahatama Ghandi.

*I call shenanigans on AU!Lionel giving one good damn about Martha. I know it’s supposed to be cute when he questions Alexander on shooting her (“You shot Martha Kent? Why would you do that? I understand she’s a perfectly lovely woman.”) as it serves a reminder of Lionel’s relationship with Martha, but we had that with the near kiss. (Martha’s hot, I can buy him trying to get into Martha’s sensible Jacklyn Smith brand slacks.) I don’t buy AU!Lionel caring about anyone who doesn’t serve a purpose for his gains.

*I’m happy that they at least wrote Lois straddling both roles as career woman and fiancee. They’ve seem to just have her in scenes fretting over her relationship and if she’s good enough for Clark. At least now it’s “am I good enough for Martha?” mixed in with some good old journalism.

*Clark: “Maybe Jor El has a way to send Lionel home.”
Oliver: “Snow Dad’s been a bit frosty lately, right? Maybe there’s another way to put this genie in a bottle.”

I thought they resolved their relationship when Lara and Jor-El addressed Lois and Clark? That seems like an eternity ago.

*They burned down the mansion and blew up the Talon. Just go ahead and have tornado destroy the farm, since the writers have a belief that to demonstrate moving forward they have to destroy all vestiges of the past.

In case of fire…RUN

*This is the look the CW should’ve used for their S10 promotional material. Clark is in the light, not in the shadows.


Okay, we’ve had an “Inception”/”Vanilla Sky”/”Matrix”” mashup and this ep was lifted straight from the Tina Fey/Steve Carrell film “Date Movie” but I found it more entertaining than “Date Movie” because I’m so tired of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey.

What I Loved

*As usual Bryan Q. Miller brings the comedy.

Lois: “Drink it in, handsome. Roll it around in your mouth a little and tell me how you feel.”
Clark: “I feel like I can’t believe you did this to my jacket.”

It’s cute that Clark is so attached to his Fruit Roll Up looking Thriller jacket. Lois mocking his “whooshing” after their spat about Clark donning a disguise.

Lois (to Clark): “Microvision?”
Clark: “It’s my power; I can call it whatever I want.”

Bert, who is a stockier version of Jimmy. “You talk like a cop, you walk like a fireman, heck you beat us to most of our crime scenes-you might as well put an “S” on your chest.”

Jeff (to Lois): “These just came in from Bert in Forensics. He says you’re lucky to be engaged to such a super guy.”

*Oliver was able to kick butt! It’s been so long. I’ll take it even if he’s teamed up with Chloe doing it.

*Continuity from “Beacon”. The last conversation between Martha and Clark was how his name isn’t important, but his actions are and Clark told that to Lois when he said that he’s the Blur and always has been. I’m not a fan of the notion that his name isn’t important, he is the man he is because of who raised him, but I liked that they followed through and showed that Clark took that talk to heart.

*Very cute how his new glasses and non-imposing demeanor made Jeff stand up to him.

The smile’s gonna make Jeff fall to his feet

What I Didn’t Love

*Oliver: “I think Oliver Queen would be an absolute fool to let someone like you get away.”
Chloe: “You’re damn right.”

FUCK YOU. Why do writers persist on acting like Chloe wasn’t the one who left Oliver? I can’t even take this mess seriously. They write these outlandish lines for Oliver where he acts as if there was some outward force that made Chloe leave him when it was her choice. It makes him look stupid.

*The total waste of Desaad and Darkseid Minions. I thought the big bad this season was going to be Darkseid and his minions. Granny Goodness was even featured in last season’s finale. So far they’ve only been a mere nuisance , not a huge threat (Did they even say where Granny is after shutting down the orphanage?). I had high hopes for Desaad mostly because I find Steve Byers very interesting and compelling.

They set it up so well in this episode for Desaad to bring Chloe over to his side, but they copped out and instead marked Oliver.

During the Last Temptation of Chloe all of the things that she was confronted with: her possible jealousy over Clark and Lois, leaving town, all weren’t the worst things that Chloe has done. It’s laughable that even in the moment where her sins are supposed to be exposed, they still pussy foot around her real failings (to proud to ask for help? Too proud to face that the world moved on without her is her big sin?).

Can we electrocute this trick?

Instead because Oliver, in a moment of grief and rage beats up Desaad and now he’s marked. There’s enough sin to go around, I’m not saying that Oliver hasn’t done bad in his past: he’s been as pushy with Clark as Chloe has and there’s that little thing about “killing” Lex, but it’s how he has accepted what he has done that has made the difference. How long were we subjected to sad sack suicidal Oliver? He felt real pain and remorse after “killing” Lex, after Jimmy died. He tried to get outside himself and focus his energy on taking Mia off the streets, etc. He took ownership of his actions. Chloe has never taking responsibilities for her actions that led to Jimmy’s death. Has she confessed to Clark that she murdered someone while under Brainiac’s control? Has she ever apologized for stowing a cache of Kryptonian weapons behind his back? No. But she has wondered why he doesn’t trust her, putting the blame squarely on his shoulder as if the problem is with him and not her. If there’s anyone who deserves to be marked it’s Chloe. As full of hell Chloe is, that girl should have a Omega tramp stamp, anklet and Omega tribal tat on her arm.

Other Bits

*When Lois is showing Clark footage from England, we hear someone say in a terrible fake British accent, “Shouldn’t he be across the pond”, but the close captioning reads, ‘Shouldn’t he be in Yank Land?”

Is Yank Land one of the sections in Gayland?

*Oliver referred to himself as Chloe’s “brown haired rendezvous”. Did he actually dye his hair darker? I didn’t notice since the show is always shot so dark.

*Ollie gave up his identity as Green Arrow for the Phantom Stranger?

*Oliver (to Chloe): “This is definitely the most romantic of my kidnappings.” You are a liar, sir. The way Flag stripped you and whipped you by moonlight is one of your favorite memories.

*Clark (on the phone w/ Lois): “It’s a dead in. No one at the morgue recognized the name Blaine.” I even tried to describe him: sandy blonde hair. Soft gentle hands, with long tapered fingers. He has this Colin Farrell bad boy charm about him, but you just know he’s really a good boyfriend and gentle lover. But nope. Didn’t ring any bells.

*Clark (to Lois): “Even though we silenced Godfrey and shut down Granny’s orphanage and buried Desaad underneath Belle Reve…”

Hold the phone. You did what now? I have to ask Bryan Q. Miller about this one.

Me: Um, Mr. Q. Miller, I’m a long time fan, first time complainer of your work. Isn’t it illogical to have Clark bury Desaad under Belle Reve? Desaad, a being that feeds off of people’s sins and ill will being buried under an asylum doesn’t seem very sound. Clark doesn’t even know how Desaad works! He has abilities. Like putting Clark against the window using his mind.

I didn’t say they were useful powers

Who’s to say that he just can’t plow right through the facility? Clark sent Slade Wilson to the Phantom Zone, why not send Desaad there? Is Phantom Zone overcrowded? Is there a Fire Marshall standing by saying it’s at capacity?

Bryan Q. Miller: Shut up! We did that for the fans. We’re trying to mention places from the past. We’ve already mentioned the Phantom Zone. It was either Belle Reve or say Clark buried Desaad under the fertilizer plant or Crater Lake or buried him with Lana’s dead parents.

And how artless a resolve was Clark burying Desaad Offscreensville? It’s just like in “Doomsday” when Clark returns after Jimmy’s funeral and Chloe asks him how he stopped Doomsday and Clark said he didn’t know. I always say you can use a Simpsons reference for any situation and Clark offhandedly stating that he buried Desaad reminded me of a Simpsons episode “Das Bus” where the Bart and Lisa’s classmates are stranded on an island. The episode is winding down and they’re still on the island and the narrator says, “And the kids were rescued by let’s say….Moe.’

Fortune (Favors Chloe)

Be careful what you wish for. I’ve long wanted to see the characters acting chummy with each other. I can only think of a few instances where we’re shown them as friends versus just having to believe their friends because the writers tell us (Clark and Pete watching football at the Kent Farm, Lois, Chloe and Lana at karaoke in “Pariah”). This has been a long time coming for me and…well…Well. This episode wasn’t very good at all at succeeding at what they were trying to achieve which was a fun episode. But that’s the charm in it. Months ago someone wrote online about how it’s surprising how “Smallville” doesn’t have the tone that other CW shows do. We don’t have the characters uttering “dick” or “bitch” all the time like SPN and we have virtually no love scenes; just kissing and morning after scenes unlike “The Vampire Diaries” or even SPN (Slutty Souless Wonder Robo Sam). Smallville- occasional pipes through stomachs aside or image of our hero hanging eviscerated from a hook-- is a very clean-cut show so it’s fitting that the characters have good old fashioned wholesome fun. It reminded of being in high school and me and my friends considered hanging out at Pier 39 daring each other to take pictures of boys followed by lunch at Red Robin, drinking virgin daiquiris a grand old time. So while the “funny” episode of SV wasn’t particularly funny (although watching the cast act like they were watching a funny video was really funny) or particularly good, it was nice to see the characters having their approximation of fun.

What I Loved

*Tom looks so damn good even with the short, short hair.

*The show is great at giving me pairings I didn’t know I wanted: Martha and Lionel, Oliver and Rick Flag, now Tess and Emil. They’re so good for each other. In Emil, Tess will find a guy akin to who she was when Oliver first met her.

And while it’s great that they had Cassidy and Alessandro singing, that song did not need to play throughout that long fight scene.

*Clark stole the Luthorcorp sign. That was the standout thing for me. That’s the kind of prank that makes sense. It’s their two fingers up to the man who is wreaking havoc in their lives.

*I continue to love Oliver, his love for Chloe aside, he’s great fun. I love his interaction with Lois (“I’m not really feeling your jewelry malfunction right now., proudly declaring that they survived the “world’s greatest bachelor party”, empathizing with her -
Lois: “Do you have any idea how much pressure there is to being engaged to walking perfection?”
Ollie: “Do you have any idea how much pressure there is in fighting crime next to walking perfection?”

…referring to her breasts as her Pointer Sisters), his self-satisfied smirk after shaking it as a chorus girl.

*The fight scene was good. Obviously more time went into the coordination of that then any actual story.

What I Didn’t Love

*Lack of explanation for the mindwipe. I know we’re supposed to take it on face value that Zatanna cast a spell on the champagne, but I love Zee and don’t want to believe that she’d intended the effect to be a mindwipe. I believe she intended for them to let loose and have fun-- it’s the same thing she attempted to do for Clark in “Warrior”. But the idea that after this the gang would still be open to having Zatanna in their League when she does something like this for stihs and giggles is implausible. While there is precedent for Zee mindwiping people (The writers are borrowing from an arc I loved called “Identity Crisis” and “Crisis of Conscience” where the JLA is splintered over the ramifications of Zatanna mindwiping of Dr. Light…and Batman…and Martian Manhunter, but specifically Dr. Light because when she did, she pretty much scrambled his brain. Accidentally!), she didn’t do so friviously, so it irks me that in “Fortune” she’s doing it as a goof. Because if there’s one thing Zatanna knows it’s

*Chloe (to Clark): “Weddings just aren’t that scary.” No one on the writing staff or cast questioned this line? A line uttered by Chloe whose husband was nearly killed at their wedding and a creature absconded off with her?

*The New Adventures of Chloe Sullivan: Which episode was it, “InceptionMatrixVille” where Clark told Lois he didn’t know what Chloe wants. That’s my question, what does she want? She puts herself on a pyre like a martyr and cries over giving up her identity and being a “ghost in the machine” but who put her in that predicament? She did. She is the one who barreled herself into Clark’s other life and proceeded to tell him he should deal with villains to if he should confide his secret to Lois and Lana.

It’s bad enough Clark stands there and tells her that she’s the heart and soul of Watchtower and that she’s more than Watchtower than him, but it’s when she responds, “I know” that makes me want to smash my TV. It’s such a conceited response. Not even a good bad ass kinda conceit like when Leia tells Hans Solo she loves him and he responds, “I know.” It’s just par for the course with Chloe where she never gives Clark anything in return. Ever. He kisses her feet and licks in between her toes and lavishes praises on her about how much he needs her and she can’t even say how special he is in her life.

Then she stands there back of the hand to forehead and tells Clark, “I won’t let a hero give up his world for me”, decision already made in her mind that she was leaving Oliver high and dry. Why did she get back in a relationship with him? Why not be woman enough to tell him instead of leaving him pining all over again like when she last left him (faking her death, to make it even worse for him.) How many times has people taken Clark to task for taking decisions out of people’s hands (in their opinion) when Chloe has done so much worse yet it’s okay because it’s Chloe and we’re supposed to believe that whatever she does if for the greater good. We’re not supposed to question it or think it’s terrible. She knows she’s married to Oliver and she was going to ditch him had he not confronted her. Chloe fans are so thrilled that she’s married to Ollie that they willingly ignore this piece. If Oliver wasn’t so sprung, if he didn’t see through her bullshit and stayed behind laughing about how he slept with everyone in that room with the exception of Emil (give it time), Chloe would’ve been gone without so much of a see you later. And this is relationship that people are supposed to support?

I’m more incensed over the fact that Oliver continues to be a doting puppy behind her that I couldn’t bring myself to care that Chloe’s supposed to be the superhero Sherpa for Bruce Wayne and Diana (I admit the “wonderous woman who’s gonna throw you for a loop” line was touching).

I’ll be here waiting for that boxing glove arrow to Oliver’s heart.

JLA get ready to hold his hand.

Other Bits

*In the online synposis for this episode sites reported that Zatanna comes to town so I’m guessing this woman is Zee in disguise (which doesn’t make any sense) or Zee’s Angelina Jolie looking emissary (which makes a bit more sense). I’d like it if she expressed surprise about them not remembering because then it’d show it wasn’t done on purpose.

I know one thing, it was a missed opportunity to introduce Zatanna’s cousin Zachary.

*Chloe: “You know in every epic tale there’s always one person who believes in a hero first. Someone who inspires them to greatness.”

Clark: Yes, like my mom and dad. Where are you going with this?

*Clark’s found his new calling! Playmate to animals.

*Song at the end of the episode. Alas We Aspire: Amy Stroup


What I Loved

*Lucas Grabeel was as wonderful as Conner as he has been as young!Lex and Alexander. Thanks to Al Septien and Turi Meyer’s script (Septien directed) Lucas was able to portray all of Conner’s qualities. He’s a showboat with an independent streak,


and a horny little flirt.


with a healthy dose of hero worship for Clark. I loved their entire initial scene with each other: from Conner attempting to defy Clark, to being weirded out that Clark is his dad to scuttling all that due to the stars in his eyes over Clark being the Blur.

They even gave us latter Conner who went from being carefree and wild to angsty over Lex being his other genetic donor. Even showing that despite the idea that Conner is the butterfly immerged from the Luthor larvae, there’s traces of the Luthor side inside Conner, which is a worry comics Conner has.

Dare I say Lucas went the distance?

image Click to view

I even liked that they echoed seasons past sentiments of Lex being jealous of Clark’s relationship with Lana (even though I found that insulting and ridiculous) with Conner having everything Clark had with the exception of Lois.

*Lois doing something more than talking about her wedding or fretting over their relationship!

*Hearing Clark talk about the loneliness he felt growing up over his secret. It shows just how far he has gone from being afraid of people finding out about his heritage, and that while it’s still there-it’ll always be there, he doesn’t let it hinder him anymore.

*Lionel (to Lex): “If I’d been your father when Lionel gave you up for adoption, I would’ve done precisely as he did.”

Lionel (to Lois): “I read a lot about you. I expected more.”

Lionel Luthor: cutting people to the quick since 2001.

*Conner assuming he’s a mutant. My question from day one has been what did Clark attribute his abilities to since he had no idea he was an alien and didn’t know about meteor mutants until he saw the Wall of Weird so I appreciated hearing Conner rationalizing his abilities.

*The Clark/Lionel confrontation. Finally they have Clark acknowledge Lionel’s role in Lex’s descent into darkness. I’ve been waiting for that since “Fracture”. I loved the barely contained fury and fear in Clark as Lionel taunted him about Clark destroying Lex with his secrets and doing the same with Conner. Clark and Co have battled monsters and wraiths and a lot of other dangerous people and things but nothing shakes them to the core like Lionel. Lionel can tap into their fears and insecurities and turn it on them in a way that Darkseid and Desaad never could.

*Tess, why so awesome? Nanites in the scotch? This is the Tess I love. I miss this Tess.

What I Didn’t Love

I’ve always been an AlMiles supporter so I admit to being biased, but I think (hope) that if AlMiles were still running the show their final season wouldn’t be filled with storylines consisting of things that happened to Clark now happening to other people or things that happened to Clark after he became Superman happening to him before he stepped into his destiny. I hope that their idea for a final season wouldn’t have been repurposing stories and calling it a homage. This episode should’ve been called “Red Scion” (get it? Like “Red Son”.). This is just “Red’” mixed in with “Exile” with Clark stepping into Jonathan’s shoes and stopping his “son”s mayhem.

Topped off with a bit of “Heat”

I want purpose along with my canon shout-outs and I cannot see the purpose behind introducing Conner to the show (I was holding out hope that there’d be a switcheroo and that Alex wouldn’t be Conner but Match, Conner’s clone) Is it because they want fans to see Clark have the brother he’s always wanted? Didn’t we already get that with “Stray” and ‘Ryan”? He fulfilled the big brother role for Kara.

Is it so fans can see Clark and Lois as parents? Didn’t we get that with the abomination called explodey baby “Ageless”?

Or were Souders/Petersons being well-intentioned and thought it was something the fans would want to see (I remember at Comic Con someone asked if Conner would ever appear and I thought it was an outlandish question; that they’d never consider it.)? Even if fans wanted Conner in this ‘verse, they surely also want steak with their sizzle. Why introduce Conner and then have him disappear into the cornfields? (I’m avoiding spoilers so if there’s actual talk of Conner in upcoming episodes excuse my talking out of my arse.)

But I think there is a worse direction to go in with the character other than him just taking a powder and it’s if Conner were to become a hero so readily when it’s taken Clark so long to do so. If I saw Conner becoming Kara 2.0 and telling Clark that he should step out of the shadows and flying around I would lose it.

Other Bits

*So when Alexander “died” his hair color gave up the ghost too? Why is he a brunette now? How did that happen?

*We have a few episodes left. Maybe they can work in a Very Special Episode where Conner is conflicted because he’s having it off with this boy he met named Tim…

…but he’s also drawn to a girl named Caroline Hill.

And he’s relieved when it turns out they’re one in the same. Tim’s undercover, exposition, exposition, exposition and the two have sex while Tim is wearing the wig.

Because Conner looks terrible in drag.

*Cognitional Neuroplastic Replicant. CNR. Conner. That’s a mouthful like BRAIN InterActive Construct.

*Lois (to Clark): “Are you trying to tell me that Conner is the genetic love child of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor?”

Clark: “You don’t have to say it like that.” I prefer it if you call Conner what he is: an enduring, living testament of love. Now excuse me, I’m going to zip to the mansion, lay in the burned out shell of Lex’s library and to Lifehouse.

*Is it too soon to tell Lois about the unexpected consequence of his dalliance with Bruce Wayne?

*The jewelry box that Lionel gave Conner is shaped like Clark’s ship.

*Didn’t the say in “Beacon” that Kryptonite turns into dust upon impact? Why did it break into a million pieces when Conner lasered it? Show, you’re driving me crazy!

*Why, oh, why didn’t they have Clark making a phone call to Martha telling her all the things he told Lois about how much he appreciated their guidance? It would’ve been a great acting moment for Tom.

*Is that Lex’s tombmarker from when he “died” in S3 or is that the one erected after he “died” in “Requiem”?

*The previews for the upcoming episodes “Kent” and “Booster” look really good. I have a feeling that “Kent” is going to mirror the Black Lantern storyline of “Blackest Night”. Can't wait.

sv eppy recap

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