happy to be rid of the cold

Feb 05, 2014 20:38

not THE cold. it's still cold and icky and more snow on the way. but ... i secretly like snow. it's pretty. it's snowy. it's WINTER for crap sake. that happens. (i dislike ice and driving on it though. that part sucks when you have to drive on the ice. but i digress.)

i am happy to be rid of MY cold. after my trip to NYC, OH! there was a trip to NYC last weekend! i'll have to post about that later, i ended up catching the sniffles. probably due to the cold. THE cold. the brutal winds and terrifying bitter temperatures. i wore five layers of clothing covering all parts of my body and looked like a mini staypuft marshmallow hobo.

probably caught a cold licking subway turnstiles or something. buncha germy people.

but it was weird, i was trying to recall the last time i was sick and it was BEFORE i quit my last job. i know this because of the paranoia over being out of a job and being on TWD's insurance, then not having sick time at the first contract job, and i haven't taken a speck of sick time at this second contract. i tried to take "sick" time to find out ... I DON'T HAVE ANY. SURPRISE!!! we have a pot of PTO to use for vacation, or sicks, or whatever. ... bleh. i didn't know that! i mean, great that i think i earn 20 days (or is it 15?) in a year, but sucks that it's only for ALL THE THINGS. oh well. at least i GET time off. the first contract? not so much.

small favors. grateful i am, yes!

i just thought that was strange that i hadn't been sick-sick in over a year and this time was a head cold. just sniffles and a tiny cough. i think this yoga is keeping me healthy, and probably my vitamins. i know people don't believe in vitamins, but i have not had any iron problems (except my clothes are always low on ironing) and i get sick a lot less. psychological? maybe. but i'll take it!

Jeezy Creezy!!! Sept. 2012 was the last time i was sicky sick. well, with a cold. i'm not talking about mah lady "issues".

Crosspost from http://dawntreader.dreamwidth.org/2056805.html. There are

medical crap

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