a break....

Jan 21, 2013 12:48

i realized after talking to a friend the other night about my writing, and my yoga, and my break after my previous job that i have not *had* a break this long or even longer than a week's vacation since i was 15 yup, since i started working the spring after turned 16, i have been a working girl. (not that king of working girl. lol)

every summer, every christmas break, spring break, every spare break from school, i was working to earn extra money to put TOWARD school ever since high school and college, and of course after college i started working working. the longest vacation i took was a couple years ago i took 10 days over Memorial Day to see my whole family and organize a memorial service for my grandparents, and that was hardly "relaxing" time for me. it was fun! but not restful.

so this has ... never happened. my last christmas of leisure when i didn't have something to "do" i was 15 years old. my last summer off was the summer before that. i slept in, i watched soaps, cartoons, old re-runs, read books. i spent my time on the phone, going to amusement parks, bike riding, and i think i maybe mowed the lawn twice. that was the year we painted our house, too. but the most accomplished goal i had all summer was stupidly entering--and losing--a friendly suntan contest between three of my friends where we "worked" on our tans as much as possible. lol (yyeaaaah. i know. Dear 15-yo self. you will always be a pasty white girl who burns too easily and you will suffer obnoxious skin damage later in life. Please don't do this to yourself. Love, your older, wiser self!)

so tomorrow morning i have an appointment to talk with the person who has my clearance file--i don't know if it's the first interview or an interim or a closing interview, where they give me whatever results of the research they've done. but, it's progress. either way, i'm going to make the most of whatever time off i have left before i go back to work.

only instead of soaps and cartoons and suntanning, i'm filling my time with yoga, writing, and my kitties. (sleeping in and Tom and Jerry still factor in there, too.)

acceptance, patience, going with the flow... not everything in my life needs a timeline, list, or an agenda attached to it.

i do want to finish writing my book, regardless when i start back to work. i have to find out how it all turns out!! that has been the best gift of all out of this whole time off. the opportunity to write stories--the thing i originally wanted to do with my life. now, i can do it all.

Crosspost from http://dawntreader.dreamwidth.org/2040055.html. There are

kitty, jobhunt, writing, yoga, state of me

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